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Cuban Newspapers & Periodicals

Celebrating Cuba! Collaborative Digital Collections of Cuban Patrimony

Born-digital titles

The following titles are currently being published in Cuba:

Sierra Maestra (2011-2020), Horizontes del Bibliotecario (2014-2020), Revista Cubana de Física (2006-2020), Adelante (2016-2020), Vanguardia (2014-2020), Ámbito (2017-2019), Venceremos (2009-2011), Ahora! (2009-2020), Alma Mater (2006-2020)

Published in English, in the United States, the Cuban Newspapers and Periodicals collection is home to Cuba Standard Monthly (2012-2019), CubaNews (1998-2014), Cuba trade & investment news (2003-2011), and On Cuba Travel (2018-2019)

To grant permission to add your newspaper, please contact us or use the permissions form here.

This collection continues to add historical and current newspapers and periodicals through ongoing digitization and born-digital curation, expanding the geographic, temporal, political, and linguistic variety of the newspapers.


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