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Jacksonville Resident Orientation: Books and E-books

Getting started guide for new UF&Shands Jax Residents.

Browsing Guide

Preclinical Sciences:


Human Anatomy
QT Physiology
QU Biochemistry
QV Pharmacology
QW Microbiology and Immunology
QX Parasitology
QY Clinical Pathology
QZ Pathlogy

Medicine and Related Subjects:

W Health Professions
WA Public Health
WB Practice of Medicine
WC Communicable Diseases
WD Disorders of Systemic, Metabolic, or Environmental Origin, etc.
WE Musculoskeletal System
WF Respiratory System
WG Cardiovascular System
WH Hemic and Lymphatic Systems
WI Digestive System
WJ Urogenital System
WK Endocrine System
WL Nervous System
WM Psychiatry
WN Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging
WO Surgery
WP Gynecology
WQ Obstetrics
WR Dermatology


WT Geriatrics. Chronic Disease
WU Dentistry. Oral Surgery
WV Otolaryngology
WW Ophthalmology
WX Hospitals and Other Health Facilities
WY Nursing
WZ History of Medicine, 19th Century Schedule

Finding books

Search the Library catalog to find books and e-books.

You can also search the Library Catalog for New Titles and subscribe to an RSS feed to keep up-to-date with the latest library purchases.

You will find e-books as well as print books in the Library catalog; however, records and links to e-books may take a while to show up. Find the newest e-books through the direct links below.

E-books - - Access restricted to current UF students/staff/faculty.

You may find links to individual e-books through the Library Catalog. Here are some e-book services that specialize in areas of medicine. Newly-added books will appear in these services before they show up in the Library Catalog.

Access Medicine: Includes Harrison's and the well-known Lange Series plus other classic titles.

Knovel Library: An aggregation of over 500 scientific and engineering references, including Perry's Chemical Engineers Handbook, and Lange's Handbook of Chemistry. Safety and hazard information is covered by titles such as DOSE, the Dictionary of Substances and their Effects, Sittig's Handbook of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals and Carcinogens.

MD Consult Core Collection: Titles in this collection cover most medical specialties. Requires establishing a personal account and login.

NCBI Bookshelf: A growing collection of biomedical books that can be searched directly by typing a concept into its database search feature.

NetLibrary: Contains more than 43,000 book, journal and reference titles, many of which are biomedically oriented.

PsychiatryOnline: Features DSM-IV-TR® and The American Journal of Psychiatry as the cornerstones of a collection of psychiatric references, including books, journals, and self-assessment tools.

PubMed Bookshelf: NCBI's collection of biomedical books and journals that can be searched directly by typing a concept into a search box and selecting one of more than 28 categories such as MeSH, Proteins, or GENSAT.

R2Library: R2 by Rittenhouse Book Distributors offers online content from key health sciences publishers in the areas of medicine, nursing, and allied health.

STAT!Ref: A collection of books on a wide variety of health specialties including pharmacy and nursing.

Thieme Electronic Book Library: Over 40 pocket textbooks in anatomy, clinical science, radiology, etc.

Off-campus access

For off-campus access to library-licensed e-Journals, research databases and e-resources, use either:

UF VPN - or - the library proxy server (on the remote logon page)

When you see Find@UF in your search results, click for access to digital full-text material.

Subject Guide

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