Title 44, Section 1912, of the U.S. Code states that Regional depository libraries may permit Selective depository libraries to dispose of Government publications which they have retained for five years after first offering them to other depository libraries within their area, then to other libraries. The Association of Southeast Research Libraries (ASERL) has developed an online Documents Disposition Database that streamlines the process, thus reducing staff time for all libraries involved in the disposition process.
The ASERL Disposition database accommodates the posting of both needs and offers lists and may be accessed through the following link - http://apps.uflib.ufl.edu/GovDocs.
For more information on the ASERL Disposition database, please see the UF Libraries LibGuide.
A COE library commits to creating a complete as possible collection including the filling of gaps in the COE collection. Gaps are identified during the compilation of the comprehensive list or by running the gap analysis in the ASERL COE database. There are several options for filling gaps in collection including: