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Environmental Horticulture

A guide to help you take advantage of library resources and services in Environmental Horticulture

Anatomy of a citation

To cite your references properly, you must track the following information for all your resources:

Padilla, PB, & Nogales M. (2009). Behavior of Kestrels Feeding on Frugivorious Lizards: Implications for Food Dispersal. Behavioral Ecology, 20(4), 872-877 DOI (if applicable)

  • Author(s)
  • Year
  • Article Title
  • Journal Title
  • Volume & Issue
  • Pages
  • DOI

The Citation Management guide describes several software tools you may use.

Anti-Plagiarism Resources

Give credit where credit is due! Use the information found in these links to avoiding common plagiarism issues.

EndNote Web

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Are you looking for additional help in using EndNote Web? Look no further because now there is a libguide dedicated to answer all your EndNote questions. This guide has everything you will need to know in order to efficiently use EndNote.       


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