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SSTP and Other Library Special Borrowers

Library guide for students in the Student Science Training Program

Welcome the Libraries

Welcome to the Library! 

SSTP students and other Library Special Borrowers have library privileges while you are at University of Florida through the Special Programs. You can use your Gator ID to access e-resources and borrow up to 5 items for a 1 week period. You are welcome in any of the library branches.

You will not be able to use several features and programs including the VPN and Interlibrary Loan/UBorrow.

Watch a virtual tour of Marston by one of our Undergraduate Library Advisors here.

Getting Started at the Library for Special Borrowers

1. Use UF Wireless network to be able to access full text of library resources. Note: Special Borrowers must be on campus and cannot use UF VPN software.

2. Search the library catalog for materials including books, journals and articles, movies, maps and more. See this video introduction to using Primo, the library catalog. Sign in to save searches, pin favorite items, renew your loans, or place a hold request.

3. Locate Subject Guides to identify relevant databases for your research topic. Databases are the best way to find peer-reviewed journal articles. Use search terms that will yield pertinent results. See this video on how to develop good search terms.

4. More questions? Use Ask A Librarian or request a meeting with the Subject Specialist Librarian. Check the Library Workshops calendar for upcoming instruction. Here's a video about contacting a Subject Specialist.

5. Did you know....You can reserve group study rooms, check out tools and technology, and create in the Marston Makerspace!


Assignment Calculator

Assignment Calculator

Research papers can be very intimidating and oftentimes stressful. This software program can help you easily complete your assignment by guiding you step by step through researching, writing, editing, citing, and turning it in on time:

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