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ABE4043C: Biological Engineering Design II: Books & E-Books

This guide provides you with information resources to complete projects in Biological Engineering Design II.

remember by Julynn B. from the Noun ProjectRemember: To access the Libraries' resources off-campus make sure you are logged into the UF VPN.

Location of ABE Books

Most Agricultural & Biological Engineering books are on the 4th Floor in the Marston Science Library. Use the below chart to determine the relevant call number range. Otherwise, search the library catalog to find books by subject, title and author.

Call # Subject
GB 651-2998 Hydrology
HD 1401-2210 Agriculture & Resource Economics
S 1-589 Agriculture
S 590-670 Soil Science
S 671-790 Agricultural Engineering
S 900-954 Conservation of Natural Resources
SB  Plants
SD Forestry
SF Animal Science
SH Aquaculture, Fisheries
SK Hunting, wildlife management
TS 195-198.8 Packaging

Failure Analysis

Use Primo to find resources to help you learn about and conduct a failure analysis

Books and E-Books

The best way to find books and E-books use the UF Catalog via Primo. This tool searches across many of our resources, including the UF Libraries catalog. Click on the red buttons below to learn more about how to search in Primo.

Some e-book services for agricultural & biological engineering:

A collection of engineering books and textbooks from McGraw-Hill.
This collection focuses on electrical engineering and includes Bioengineering, Power & Energy, and Communication technologies as well as other growing areas of research.
Knovel has handbooks, encyclopedias, reference books, and standards from the world's leading publishers and professional societies in engineering, biotechnology, life sciences, chemistry and materials. Knovel's productivity tools, (including interactive tables, graphs and live equations) allow users to work within Knovel to analyze the data they find.
A collection of books on optics and photonics.
Includes a collection of engineering books and laboratory protocols.
Books from CRC and Taylor & Francis on Engineering & Technology as well as Medicine, Dentistry, & Allied Health.

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Amy Buhler
Marston Science Library
Rm. L209C
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