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BME3323L: Cellular Engineering Laboratory: Citing Your Sources

This guide will provide you with the information resources you will need to complete your projects for BME 3323L:Cellular Engineering Laboratory.

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Amy Buhler
Marston Science Library
Rm. L209C
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EndNote Basic

This program will save you hours--literally!--of time. Citation management software can store all your articles and reformat them to meet the requirements of just about any journal. Just remember to proofread your works cited (or bibliography or references) page in case a citation wasn't formed properly in a database.

Getting References from PubMed into a citation manager

You can get references into a reference manager in two different ways:

  1. You can use a capture tool in your browser to export your citations into any citation management software program such as:
    EndNote      Mendeley link          
  2. Follow the 3 steps below to export citations using PubMed's Citation Manager tool:
  • In your search results, use the citation check boxes to select citations. To export all the citations do not select any citations.
  • From Send To, select Citation Manager.
  • Import this saved file into your citation management program.

APA Style

It is best to use the most recent version of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (located a several libraries including Marston and Health Science), but in a pinch there is the OWL @ Purdue which can provide you with basic guidelines.

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