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BME4531: Medical Imaging: Managing Your References

This guide provides you with information resources to complete your review paper assignment.

These programs will save you hours--literally!--of time. Citation management software can store all your articles and reformat them to meet the requirements of just about any journal. Just remember to proofread your works cited (or bibliography or references) page in case a citation wasn't formed properly in a database.

Find out more on our Citation Management guide.

Getting References from PubMed into a citation manager

You can get references into a reference manager in two different ways:

  1. You can use a capture tool in your browser to export your citations into any citation management software program such as:
    EndNote      Mendeley link          
  2. Follow the 3 steps below to export citations using PubMed's Citation Manager tool:
  • In your search results, use the citation check boxes to select citations. To export all the citations do not select any citations.
  • From Send To, select Citation Manager.
  • Import this saved file into your citation management program.

Using Physics in Medicine and Biology Citation Style

When using the Physics in Medicine and Biology style be sure to refer to the Instructions for Authors (also, the IOP Style Guide for Journal Articles).

Also, if you are using EndNote Basic make sure to add this style to My Favorites for easy access in MS Word.

Adding References to Zotero

Adding References to Zotero

Option 1: Adding reference with Zotero Connector

Download and install Zotero & the Zotero Connector. Click the Connector button to quickly add the reference to your Zotero library (the icon will change based on the type of item you are looking at (book, journal article, webpage, etc.). Image of the Zotero Connector icon

The Connector works well for some search tools and not at all for others. There are times when you will need to import or create a reference in your Zotero library.

Option 2: Adding reference by identifier

Try adding the Item by Identifier within Zotero using the ISBN, ISSN, DOI, etc.

Option 3: Adding reference manually

As a last resort, you can add items manually to Zotero using the New Item menu. Simply click on the green plus sign and select the type of item you want to add. (Note: There is an extensive list of item types under the More menu).


Option 4: Adding reference using search tool export option (requires Zotero Desktop)
  1. Locate the way to save/export the references you want within your search tool (This will be different for every search tool.)
  2. Save the file to your device (this will frequently be an .ris file)
  3.  In Zotero Desktop
    • Select Import from the File menu
    • Select the type of file
    • Select your .ris file
    • Click Open and choose your options. (Note: Leaving the box checked for "Place imported collections and items into new collection" will create a new folder in Zotero containing those references).
Get More Info on Adding Items to Zotero 
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