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HIS3942: Histories of Madness, Deviance, and Psychiatry

This is a guide for students of Dr. Hunt's practicum

 Finding Secondary Sources

To do a broad search that includes monographs, articles, dissertations, and other secondary source materials, you can use the Primo Search tool. This will search a combination of materials owned by UF and materials available through our database subscriptions.

  • Searching "Everything" will return results with both physical and electronic items.
  • Searching "UF Library Catalog" will exclude items from our subscription databases.
  • Searching "Statewide Catalog" will expand your search to include items owned by other Florida colleges and universities.
  • Searching "Articles" will limit your search results to contents from our subscription databases.

The search bar for the UF Libraries Catalog has the words civil war in quotation marks and UF Library Catalog is selected from the search options.


To do a more focused search of electronic materials, you can search individual databases. You can access these by searching the A-Z Databases list.

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