As your Liaison Librarian, I can:
My experience as a distance learning master's student and graduate coursework in online teaching and learning provides unique insight into the challenges faced by HSC distance education students. My doctoral work in educational technology informs her approach to instruction and her research practices.
If you have any questions about resources available for the liaison areas served by Mary, or you would like to integrate library instruction into your curriculum, please contact Mary Edwards at
"I had been working in the library as a student assistant for three years while studying history and taking pre-med classes. At my end of the third-year evaluation, my supervisor told me if I decided not to study medicine I should seriously consider library science because I enjoyed my work immensely and seemed to have a knack for it. All summer I thought about what my supervisor said and decided that medical librarianship suited me better than the practice of medicine.
I just wish I made that decision before I took organic chemistry..."
Edited Books:
ME Edwards. Interprofessional Education and Medical Libraries: Partnering for Success. Rowman & Littlefield: Lanham, MD, 2016, 230 pages. (In press; anticipated publication date: August 16, 2016).
Contributed Book-Chapters:
M Ansell, A Pomputious, ME Edwards, L Adkins, and N Stoyan-Rosenzweig. Evidence-Based Humanity: Librarians’ Instructional Experiences in Pre-Health and Health Professional Educational Contexts. Chapter in Health Humanities for Librarians, Rowman & Littlefield: Landham, MD, forthcoming.
Norton HF, Tennant MR, Edwards ME, Pomutius A, Stoyan-Rosenzweig N. Liaison Services to Medical Students. Chapter in The Engaged Health Sciences Library Liaison, Rowman & Littlefield: Landham, MD, 2020.
Tennant MR, Morgan-Daniel J, Self T, Edwards ME. Evolution and Expansion of Library Liaison Roles Chapter in The Engaged Health Sciences Library Liaison, Rowman & Littlefield: Landham, MD, 2020.
MR Tennant, ME Edwards, HF Norton, S Russell-Gonzalez. “Information and scientific literacy support for undergraduates: aligning instruction with standards and frames to prepare students for research and lifelong learning.” Invited chapter in The New Information Literacy Instruction: Best Practices. Ed. P Ragains and MS Wood. Rowman & Littlefield: Lanham, MD, 2015.
ME Edwards, HF Norton, MR Tennant, N Stoyan-Rosenzweig, M Daley. “Promotion, publicity, and beyond: using a marketing plan and innovative strategies to reach users in an academic health science center library.” Invited chapter in Creative Library Marketing and Publicity: Best Practices. Ed. RJ Lackie and MS Wood. Rowman & Littlefield: Lanham, MD, 2015.
HF Norton, ME Edwards, MR Tennant, & N Stoyan-Rosenzweig. Strategies for Seeking External Funding in a Health Science Library. Invited Chapter in Successful Fundraising: Best Practices, Rowman & Littlefield: Lanham, MD, 2014, 97-111.
White, C. B., Cooper, L., Edwards, M., Lyon, J. (In Press). Assessing Learners’ Needs. In the Oxford Textbook of Medical Education, Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, 2013.
Edwards, M. (In Press). Assessing Embedded Librarianship Implementations. In Embedded Librarianship: What Every Academic Librarian Should Know. ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA, 2013. .
Association of Academic Health Science Libraries; Program and Education Committee, member, 2022 – present
Medical Library Association, member 2010 – present
American Library Association (ALA), member 2003 – 2010
Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), member 2005 - 2010
Southern Chapter of the Medical Library Association, member, 2020 – present
Florida Health Sciences Library Association (FHSLA), member, 2004-2009, Webmaster 2007-2008
Interprofessional Education (IPE) Committee, member 2019- present
HSC Library Alternate Representative to the Health Science Center Associate Deans for Education Meetings, April 2019 – June 2021.
College of Medicine Curriculum Committee, Interim member August 2020 – June 2021.
College of Medicine – Jacksonville Executive Committee (COMJEC), Interim member August 2020 – June 2021.
University Libraries Committee, ad hoc member, August 2017 – August 2018.
Academic Health Center Educational Technology Advisory Committee AH-ETAC), August - 2010 present.
Ed.D in Curriculum & Instruction Univ. of Florida December 2011
M.A. in Library and Information Science Univ. of South Florida December 2003
B.A. in History (Biology minor) Mercer University May 2001
Graduate Certificate in:
Online Teaching and Learning
Academy of Health Information Professionals, Distinguished Level
J Morgan-Daniel, HF Norton, MW Daley, and ME Edwards. (2023). "Developing and Conducting a Language Inclusivity Assessment on a Health Science Library’s Website, LibGuides, and Signage". Journal of the Medical Library Association. Submitted.
RN Holdefer, J McAuliffe, CN Seubert, DB MacDonald, JL Shils, ME Edwards, BA Cohen, & PF Sturm. (2023). “Analyzing the Value of IONM as a Complex Intervention: The Gap between Published Evidence and Clinical Practice”. Clinical Neurophysiology, 151 (July), 59-73.
J Morgan-Daniel, HF Norton, ME Edwards, and L Adkins. (2023). "Integrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Principles into Instruction: Case Studies from the University of Florida's Health Science Center Libraries". Health Information and Libraries Journal, 1-7.
TJ Pagliara, R Goldfarb, YA Philippou, MC Risk, ME Edwards & P Dahm. (2023). "Non-surgical Therapies for Peyronie's Disease" (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, in Press.
RN Holdefer, J McAuliffe, CN Seubert, DB MacDonald, JL Shils, ME Edwards, BA Cohen, & PF Sturm. (2023). “Intraoperative Neuromonitoring for the Prevention of Iatrogenic Injury during Cervical and Thoracic Spine Surgery” (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, In Press.
J Niedenfuehr, M Edwards, & LM King. (2023). “A scoping review: the psychosocial barriers that exist for people with vulvodynia”. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, qdad035.
J Morgan-Daniel, C Hough, MR Tennant, ME Edwards, LE Adkins, ML Rethlefsen. “Developing a Culture of Inclusivity through the Formation of a Library Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team. Part 2: Team Activities.” Medical Reference Services Quarterly. 41.2 (2022): 127-137.
J Morgan-Daniel, C Hough, MR Tennant, ME Edwards, LE Adkins, ML Rethlefsen. (2022). “Developing a Culture of Inclusivity through a Library Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team. Part 1: Team Formation”. Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 41(1), 1-12.
K Smith, M Farland, S Buring. G Childs, K Dunleavy, AH Estrada, N Multak, P Patton, D Schentrup, ME Edwards, & AV Blue. (2021). Assessing Professionalism in Health Profession Degree Programs: A Scoping Review. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning. 13(3), 1078-1098.
L Childs-Kean, M Edwards, & M Douglass Smith. (2020). “A Systematic Review of Learning Style Framework Use in Health Sciences Education” American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Feb 2020, ajpe7885; DOI: 10.5688/ajpe7885
L Childs-Kean, M Edwards, & M Douglass Smith. (2020). “Use of Personality Frameworks in Health Science Education” American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 84(8). DOI:
H Norton, ME Ansell, A Pomputius, ME Edwards, M Daley, & S Harnett. (2019). HIV/AIDS Information Promotion at the Library: Creative Campaigns for Young Adults. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 107(2): 222-231.
NE Stetten, EW Black, ME Edwards, N Schaefer, & AV Blue. (2019). Interprofessional service-learning experiences among health professional students: A systematic search and review of learning outcomes. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 15(4), 60-69.
Norton HF, Tennant MR, Edwards ME, Pomputius A. 2018. Use of annual surveying to identify technology trends and improve service provision. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 106(3), 320-329.
Harnett, S., Ansell, M. H., Stoyan-Rosenzweig, N., Schaefer, N., Pomputius, A., and Edwards, M. E. (2018). The (Un)Common Instructor: A New Role for Medical Librarians Beyond Information. Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 37(3), 276-291.
First Place Poster Research Award for: J Morgan-Daniel, M Daley, ME Edwards, LH Eubanks, HF Norton, N Stoyan-Rosenzweig. “Developing and Conducting a DEI Language Inclusivity Assessment on a Health Science Library’s Website.”, Medical Library Association, 2021.
Lucretia W. McClure Excellence in Education Award, Medical Library Association, 2018.
Exemplary Instructional Programs or Services Award, Florida Library Association, May 2017.
Accepted to the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Information Literacy Immersion Program: Assessment Track. 2013.
Accepted to the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Service Quality Assessment Academy. 2013
Accepted as a National Library of Medicine/ Woods Hole Biomedical Informatics Fellow, 2012.
Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) 12th National Conference Librarian Scholarship Recipient, April 2005.
Refereed Presentations:
J Morgan-Daniel [presenter], LE Adkins [presenter], ME Edwards, HF Norton. “Integrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Principles into Instruction: Case Studies from the University of Florida’s Health Science Center Libraries”. University Health and Medical Librarians Group Spring Forum, April 7, 2022, Online Conference for United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.
S Kumar [co-presenter], ME Edwards [co-presenter], & M Ochoa [co-presenter] (2010, October 21). Analysis of Online Students’ Use of Embedded Library Instruction in a Graduate Educational Technology Course. AACE E-Learn Conference, Orlando, FL.
Refereed Posters:
S Harnett, N Stoyan-Rosenzweig, N Schaefer, HF Norton, MR Tennant, ME Edwards. “An (un)common approach to health humanities for undergraduates”, refereed poster, International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, San Diego, CA, October 27, 2019.
G Kuntz [presenter], ME Edwards, JA Lyon, B Coles, A Cleves, C Price, J Blank, C Bakker, J Kofflel, J Beattie, K Chew, F Sayre, B Larsen) “Building collaboration: librarians from 7 institutions in 2 Countries forming a team to support Cochrane Urology Group”, contributed poster, Medical Library Association Annual Conference, accepted for presentation 17 May 2016, Toronto, CA.
T Bowman, V Buraphadeja, & ME Edwards [presenter] (2008, November 6). Online Interactive Case-Based Learning for Instructional Design. Association of Educational Communications & Technology Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Cochrane Collaboration Search Methods Peer Review, 2023 – present.
Cochrane Urology Working Group, Assistant Information Specialist, 2013 – present.
Medical Library Association Webinar, Liaison Librarianship: New Models and Best Practices for Your Institution, Online, April 2023
Medical Library Association Webinar, Interprofessional and Medical Libraries, Online, October 2018
Distance Learning Services Conference (formerly Off-Campus Library Services Conference) Advisory Board, April 2006 – 2008, April 2010 – 2012
Forensic Science Programs
College of Medicine
Emergency Medicine
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Other Programs
Office of Distance, Continuing, and Executive Education (DCE)
Role: Investigator. "Health Care Provider COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Information Needs Research". Funding Agency: Smathers Libraries Strategic Opportunities Grant. Status: Funded. Award Total: $4,872. Grand Period: Aug 2021 -Dec 2022
Role: Investigator. "Connecting Consumer Health Information with Clinical Care”. Funding Agency: Smathers Libraries Strategic Opportunities Grant. Status: Funded. Award Amount: $4,362. Grant Period: Jan 2019 - Dec 2020
Role: Co-PI. "Creative Campaigns to Promote HIV/AIDS Awareness among UF Students". Funding Agency: Smathers LibrariesStrategic Opportunities Program. Status: Funded. Award Total: $1,350. Grant Period: Jan 2017 - Jan 2018
Meyer, Sarah (Principal Investigator), Edwards, Mary (Investigator), Pyche, Courtney (Investigator), and Stoyan-Rosenzweig, Nina (Investigator). Health Impacts of Lead Exposure: Enhance, Engage, & Empower Community Awareness Funding Agency: National Networks of Library of Medicine (NN/LM) Region 2. Status: Funded. Total Award: $6,289 Grand Period: June 23 - April 24
Tennant, MR (Principle Investigator) Butson, L.C., Edwards, M. E., Norton, H.F., and Schaefer, N.M (Co-Investigators). Women’s Health/Sex and Gender Differences Outreach Project. Funding Agency: National Library of Medicine. Status: Funded. Total Award: $50,000. Grant Period: 14 Feb. - 19 Sept. 2014.
Tennant, MR (Principle Investigator) Butson, L.C., Edwards, M. E., Norton, H.F., and Schaefer, N.M (Co-Investigators). Women’s Health/Sex and Gender Differences Outreach Project. Funding Agency: National Library of Medicine. Status: Funded. Total Award: $50,000. Grant Period: 4 Mar. - 19 Sept. 2013.
Edwards, M. (Principal Investigator) Butson, L, Kuntz, G., Tennant, M. R. (Co-Investigators). Evaluating the use of tablets for point-of-care information services. Funding Agency: Smathers Libraries Mini-grant. Status: Funded. Total Award: $1,614. Grant Period: 1 November to 31 October.
Smathers’ Libraries Information Literacy Committee, member 2019-2023; Co-chair 2023- present
Smathers’ Libraries Tenure and Promotion Committee, member, 2020 -2023.
Associate Dean for Research and Health Sciences and Fackler Director of Health Science Center Libraries Search Committee, December 2021 – August 2023.
Smathers’ Libraries Sabbatical/FEO Committee, August 2021 - present
Smathers’ Libraries Sustained Performance Evaluation Program (SPEP) Committee, June 2019-2022. Chair-Elect, 2020. Chair 2021.
Smathers’ Library Statistics and Assessment Committee, fall 2014 – 2019. In 2018 I worked on a team that reviewed the qualitative Ithaka Survey data for presentation to the Dean and college.
Smathers’ Libraries Diversity Committee, May 2014 – June 2019; Co-Chair, August 2016 – August 2017. Chair, August 2017 – June 2018, member June 2018 – June 2019.
Reproducibility Librarian Search Committee, January 2018 – February 2020. Member, January 2018 – July 2019. Chair, July 2019 – February 2020.
Fackler Director of the Health Science Library and Association Dean of the Smathers’ Library Search Committee, November 2016 – April 2018.
Smathers’ Libraries Faculty Assembly, member, June 2006 – present. Chair-Elect, July 2016 – July 2017. Chair, July 2017 – July 2018, Past Chair, July 2018-July 2019.
My research interests focus on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts. I have an ongoing project involving co-leading a campus-wide qualitative investigation of how UF supports learning assessments. Additional projects include assessments of the instructional needs related to bioinformatics and statistics education on campus. I'm interested in program evaluation and medical education topics including interprofessional education.
My doctoral research focused on a mixed methods case study evaluation of the effectiveness of an embedded librarian program in an online health science course. If you're interested in learning more about my project, you can read the full text of my dissertation entitled: Online Embedded Librarian Case Study: A Descriptive Evaluation
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