The Internship Program Committee is available for assistance in developing internship proposals. Email with any questions.
Ginessa Mahar (co-chair) (West)
Joanna Tuskey (co-chair) (Marston)
Laura Marion (SASC)
Jennie Crumpton (HSCL)
Amanda Mauldwin (Departmental Libraries)
Joe Piazza (Lib HR, ex-officio)
Jasmine Simmons (Student Success, ex-officio)
This guide is intended to aid potential internship directors and team members create a successful proposal. Undergraduate students wishing to apply for library internships may search for opportunities via UF Careers listings and the Smathers Library HR website.
Library internship opportunities will be advertised prior to the semester the internship begins.
The Smathers Undergraduate Internship Program provides semester-based student internships in the George A. Smathers Libraries, organized into four broad categories: circulation/collections, outreach, special projects, and user engagement. Successful internship proposals are awarded each semester through a selective process open to all library staff and faculty. Proposals require at least one staff or faculty member in the Libraries to serve as the Internship Director. The Program provides a supportive environment for those who wish to gain experience conceptualizing, writing, and administering small grants and internship projects.
Student internships benefit the Libraries and foster collaboration across campus while providing students with experiential learning opportunities. Internships are open to all UF undergraduate students, current Library Student Assistants are especially encouraged to apply. Remote or online internships will need specific approval from departmental and affiliated administrative units.