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Using the Branching and Section Features of Microsoft Forms: Home


Prepared by Tiffany Schoettker, May 2024


Microsoft Forms is a powerful tool within the Microsoft 365 suite.  Users can create forms, surveys, & quizzes using a template, or start from scratch.  The form can easily be distributed to respondents via a link, and users receive the results in real time.  

The interface offers several ways of customizing the form so that it is streamlined and user-friendly.  This LibGuide will cover 2 such features: Sections and Branching

  • Branching is a method of directing respondents to specific questions based on the previous answer.  
  • Sections are a means of grouping together questions in separate pages.  Respondents can be branched to specific sections based on their previous answer.  

BEFORE You Add Branching : Writing Your Questions and Incorporating Sections

Before you can add branching, you will need to have ALL of your questions already written on your form. 

  • As you are writing your questions, think about formatting.  Forms has several question types from which to choose:  Choice, Text, Rating, Date, Ranking, Likert, Upload File, Net Promoter Score.
  • Rearranging the order of your questions is easy.  Hover the mouse over a question until 6 grey dots appear over the question.  Place the cursor over the 6 dots, click & hold the mouse, and then drag the question up or down.


If you're creating a lengthy questionnaire, it can be helpful to organize your questions into pages—or "sections".  

To add a section:

  1. Press the green + sign.   
  2. Select More Question types (chevron symbol)
  3. Select Section 
  4. Add a Section title and Subtitle (optional).
  5. Add your questions.

To rearrange the order of your sections: 

  1. Select the ••• to the right of the section's title.  This will bring up the Settings menu. 
  2. Choose Move section.   
  3. Press the ↑ and ↓ keys to move the section. 
  4. Press Done.  

To remove a section but leave the questions on the form:

  1. Select the ••• to the right of the section's title.  This will bring up the Settings menu. 
  2. Choose Remove section -->  Just section

To remove a section along with the questions it contains:

  1. Select the ••• to the right of the section's title.  This will bring up the Settings menu. 
  2. Choose Remove section -->  Section and questions

HOW to Add Branching

You may add branching to individual questions and/or sections.  

A key point to keep in mindCreating branches in a form that contains many questions requires forethought.  You cannot branch a question to a preceding question, only one that comes after it. For example, you cannot branch from question 4 to question 3. You can only branch from question 4 to questions 5 or 6 or 7, and so on.


To create a branch from one question to another question (or section):

  1. Select the question for which you want to add branching. 
  2. Select ••• More settings 
  3. Choose Add branching
  4. Next to each answer(s) under the given question, there will be the words Go to.  Click on to view the drop down menu.  The menu contains every question and section on your form.  Select the question or section that you wish to appear NEXT for the respondent. Remember, you cannot branch a question to a preceding question or section, only one that comes after it.
  5. Next, continue through the rest of your form and add branches accordingly.

To create a branch from one section to another section:

  1. Select the section for which you want to add branching. 
  2. Select ••• More settings 
  3. Choose Add branching
  4. At the bottom of the section, there will be the words Go to.  Click on to view the drop down menu.  The menu contains every section on your form.  Select the section that you wish to appear NEXT for the respondent.


HOW to Reset Branching

If you want to completely remove the branching, go to the question where you began branching.  Select the 3 dots at the bottom right and choose Add branching.  

Next, you will see the heading "Branching options" at the top of the screen with 3 dots to the right.  Click on those 3 dots and select Reset.  This will eliminate all branching on the form.  From here, you can set up new branching if you'd like.  


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