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The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) is the world's largest archive of social science data, and is expanding into other disciplines as well. ICPSR provides Web access to documentation and data files for use with statistical software, such as R, SAS, SPSS, and Stata.  Data deposit in ICPSR is free of charge.  

Why use ICPSR?

ICPSR holds over 17,000 studies including over 5 million variables (aka the questions a researcher asks in a survey). Types of data include administrative data, surveys, video data, social media data, and more. Data searches can be filtered by topic, geographic location, subject terms/tags, funding agency, time period and more.

Over 40 academic disciplines use ICPSR data, including Anthropology,  Communications, Criminology, Economics, Education, Gender Studies, Geography, Information Science, Law, Medicine, Social Work, Sociology, Political Science, Psychology, Public Policy and more

What ICPSR Does: 

  • Receive data donated to science by data producers (such as research agencies, government, professors etc.
  • Clean the data
  • Share the data
  • Provide education, training, & resources
  • Assist with data management plans and fulfillment of data sharing requirements
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