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Women's & Gender Studies

Women's and Gender Studies research takes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of gender, its function in cultures and societies, and its intersections with race and class.

Finding Women's and Gender Studies Books in the Libraries

This page details where to find and how to access books within the UF Libraries

  • Locate books using the UF Library Catalog
  • Despite having a vast collection, the library may not have exactly what you are looking for
    • You can submit an Interlibrary Loan request, through which the Libraries at UF can borrow that resource for you, free of charge
    • Use UBorrow to access print books and audio-visual materials located at one of the 40 Florida universities that contributes to the Statewide Catalog

Selected Reference Books

Finding WGS Books in Library West

Most Women's and Gender Studies books at UF are located in the HQ section on the first floor of Library West. See the image below for a visualization.

Two-dimensional map of Floor 1 of Library West, with HQ sections highlighted

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