Welcome to the George A. Smathers Libraries at UF! We're happy you're here and are interested in learning more about Women's and Gender Studies.
Women's and Gender Studies research takes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of gender, its function in cultures and societies, and its intersections with race and class. Some common themes within the broad subject of Women's and Gender studies include, but are not limited to, feminist theory, ecofeminism, LGBTQ+ studies, women's literature, and healthcare.
This LibGuide is an overview for how to do research pertaining to the field of Women's and Gender Studies. It is not an exhaustive list of articles, books, and databases, but rather a guide for how to find resources within the George A. Smathers Libraries at UF. For further assistance, please contact the Women's and Gender Studies subject specialist librarian.
Library research can be daunting! The George A. Smathers Libraries are home to millions of library materials, and due to the interdisciplinary nature of Women's and Gender Studies, it may be difficult to know where to begin a search. However, there are multiple ways to start your research here at UF, with friendly librarians eager to assist!
Database: an organized collection of data related to a specific topic
Primary source: an original document or object that reflects direct experience
Secondary source: a source that provides information about a topic but does not reflect first-hand experience
Tertiary source: a collection or consolidation of primary and secondary sources that does not provide analysis
Monograph: a scholarly work detailing a single subject, a type of secondary source