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HSC 2000: Intro to Health Professions: Writing Help

Resource Evaluation - GATOR

GATOR is an acronym to help you remember important components of website evaluation.


Genuine -
Is the website or resource authentic?  Look for the identity of the site sponsor and the length of time the site has been up.

Accurate -
Is the material free from error?  Error may be from misinformation or from a lack of updating to represent new discoveries.  Is the website current?  When was it last updated?

Trustworthy -
Is the information true and reliable?  Look for references.  Consider the author's credentials and affiliations with academic, non-profit, and government organizations.

Origin -
Origin means the producer of the material.  Is the information produced by a reputable hospital or pharmaceutical company.

Readability -
This refers to the ease with which you can read the material.  Is it too elementary, too technical, or too advanced? 

Reference: Educating patients to evaluate web-based health care information: the GATOR approach to healthy surfing.  Weber BA, Derrico DJ, Yoon SL, Sherwill-Navarro P.  J Clin Nurs. 2009 Jun 17.

Paper Writing Help

How To Research a Paper (video)

How to Write a College Paper (video)
Outlining a paper.

How to Write a College Paper (video)

Science Writing
Parts of a scientific paper, writing abstracts, creating posters.

Grammer and Writing Guides

Style Guides (Citing Sources)

Multiple Styles

University of Washington (simple examples - AMA, APA, Chicago, NLM & online styles) 

Bedford Citation Machine:
tool and video.

APA (Social sciences)

University of Illinois—also includes grammar/writing tips—includes sample paper & its reference list

Video on margins, headers, footer in APA.

Copyright and Plagiarism Guide

Plagiarism Guide
Includes UF policies on plagiarism

Is It Protected by Copyright?
“Slider” that makes figuring out if you need to get permission fun!

Project Planning

Assignment Calculator
Helps break assignments into component tasks with their own deadlines.
Software that enables you to create and share brainstorming mindmaps. 

Free online diagram software with greater variety of diagram types than Bubbl.

Drop box  
A free online tool for file backup, syncing, and sharing.

A micro-blogging, project management, wiki, collaborative, social networking tool.


Profile Photo
Ariel Pomputius (She/Her)
HSC Library C1-21
Subjects: Medicine

  Citation Management Software

RefWorks and RefWorks Tutorials (free to users affiliated with UF)


EndNote Web Tutorials: EndNoteWeb

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