"Recess!" is a daily, three-minute program for adults that explores the dynamic cultures of childhood, past and present, and around the world. We take you on this daily journey through biographical and historical notes, commentaries, audio essays, original stories, and reviews of the latest books, music, movies, television shows, and other media being produced for children.
"Recess!" is a co-production of the University of Florida's Center for Children's Literature and Culture and WUFT-FM, "Classic 89."
Conjure Times: Black Magicians in American -- an Interview with Jim Haskin. By Jim Haskins and John Cech. February 5, 2002.
Rosa Parks Day by Jim Haskins, December 2, 2002.
Maya Angelou. By Jim Haskins, April 5, 2004.
Alice Childress. By Jim Haskins, October 12, 2005.
Jim Haskins. By John Cech. October 26, 2005.
Explore, Spring 2003. http://www.research.ufl.edu/publications/explore/v08n1/excerpts.html
English professor Jim Haskins and his books I Am Rosa Parks (written with Rosa Parks, Dial 1997) and Bayard Rustin: Behind the Scenes of the Civil Rights Movement (Hyperion 1997) were featured in a live, interactive broadcast sponsored by Educational Management Group of Scottsdale, Arizona, and carried via satellite to schools across the country.