This page was designed to support students in the OnMed program and others interested in medical education topics including educational technology and academic medicine/health care.
Alguire , P.C., DeWitt, D.E. Pinsky, L.E., & Ferenchick, G.S. (2001). Teaching in your office: A guide to instructing medical students and residents. Philadelphia: American College of Physicians.
Kern, D. E., Thomas, P. A., Howard, D. N., & Bass, E. B. (1998). Curriculum Development for Medical Education: A six-step approach. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press
Whitman, N.E. (1999). There is No Gene for Good Teaching: A Handbook on Lecturing for Medical Teachers (2nd Ed.). Salt Lake City, Utah: University of Utah School of Medicine.
Print Book Catalog Search Update
NOTE: The 10 most recent ebook titles added to the UF Libraries Catalog will display in this box. This content is updated regularly.