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Information on locating Hathitrust titles in the UF Primo library catalog

Requirements for Participating Instuitutions

For a complete copy of the HathiTrust Print Disabilities Access Service Guide and Agreement, please go to this link

Through a designated proxy, eligible Patrons at HathiTrust Supporting Institutions can receive special access to in-copyright materials in HathiTrust. Under current HathiTrust guidelines, individuals registered with their institution's disability resources office have access to any of the materials in  the HathiTrust listings.  Further terms and conditions of access are detailed below.


Eligible Patron: an affiliated user at a Supporting Institution who has a print disability for which access to digital copies of library books is a reasonable and appropriate accommodation.

Print disability: a disability – such as a visual impairment, learning disability physical disability, or other disability – that impedes a person’s ability to access print in the standard way.

Proxy: a representative designated by a HathiTrust Supporting Institution who accesses in-copyright content on behalf of an Eligible Patron.

Requirements for access

In order for Eligible Patrons to receive access, institutions complete the following requirements:

  1. Institutions must be configured for authentication to HathiTrust via Shibboleth (see;

  2. Institutions must have a defined institutional process for certifying Eligible Patrons;

  3. Institutions must designate a Proxy;

Institutions must provide a static, non-NAT IP address (verify with your system administrator, or contact if you have any questions) from which the Proxy will access HathiTrust on behalf of an Eligible Patron. The IP address will be recorded during a Web registration process after this document is submitted.


Accessing materials

The Proxy is given access to in-copyright content only for the purposes of making content available to Eligible Patrons. The Proxy receives requests from Eligible Patrons, authenticates to HathiTrust through the HathiTrust Web interface from a designated IP address, navigates to a designated volume, downloads it, and make it available to the Eligible Patron.

The Proxy must not access in-copyright content for personal purposes or distribute content to users who are not authorized to receive content. In-copyright content is only accessible to the Proxy from within the United States, and in-copyright works must not be distributed to Eligible Patrons who are located outside the United States. Works downloaded from HathiTrust include a cover sheet that clearly indicates the copyright status of the work and the terms of access and use. If the Proxy has any questions about proper use of the material or suspects that unauthorized access to in-copyright works has occurred, the Proxy should contact HathiTrust immediately at

The Proxy must delete all copies of an item once it has been confirmed that the Eligible Patron has the item in his or her possession. Local copies may not be stored on the Proxy’s personal computer, even in the case that the Proxy expects that another student will request the same item.

When communicating with the Eligible Patron about accessing in-copyright works from HathiTrust, the Proxy must confirm that the Eligible Patron understands:

  • The copyrighted nature of the content;

  • Why they are being granted access to the work;

  • That the cover sheet indicating the copyright status and terms of use must remain with the work at all times;

  • That the PDF is for personal use only and may not be shared with anyone else or copied beyond purposes to facilitate personal use;

  • That if the Eligible Patron has any questions about proper use of the material or suspects  unauthorized access to the material, the Eligible Patron should contact the Proxy immediately;


Subject Guide

Co-editor of subject guide

University of Florida Home Page

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