Access to these databases is restricted to current UF students/staff/faculty.
Journal article citations usually look similar to this:
Authorname, A.B. (2008). "Title of article." Journal Name. Vol 25, issue 3, pages 47-58.
Search the Library Catalog for the Journal Name to see if UF subscribes to the journal. You may see 2 records for your Journal Name.
Stuck with a a journal abbreviation? Use JAbbr.
When using a campus computer or UF Wireless, you're connected to the UF network. But for off-campus access to library-licensed e-Journals, research databases and e-resources, use either:
UF VPN - or - the library proxy server (on the remote logon page)
When you see in your search results, click for access to digital full-text material.
Do you want to publish in an Open Access publication? There are a great many publishing venues, but the article processing charges (APCs) can be prohibitive. However, not all publishers charge a fee. You can search for journals without APCs using the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).
On this page you will find information on agreements the Smathers Libraries have made to waive or discount APCs for the UF community.
What are reviewers and Editors looking for in a technical paper? Why are your submissions being rejected? Watchthis video for tips that are relevant to all IEEE publications.