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Oxygen XML Editor: Overview

Sharing tips and how to guide on using Oxygen XML Editor


The Metadata Unit uses Oxygen XML Editor as its preferred tool for editing University of Florida Digital Collections (UFDC) records in the Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) and Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS) formats. Oxygen XML Editor is a powerful XML editing tool that offers several useful features: it enables users to edit a large number of XML documents at once, validates documents to ensure XML validity against a schema, and more. Oxygen XML Editor’s batch processing capability allows the Metadata Unit staff to update multiple UFDC records simultaneously, ensuring that our updates to UFDC are uniformly and efficiently implemented.


This libguide will cover useful tips and tricks the Metadata Unit has found helpful while performing UFDC batch updates using Oxygen XML Editor. For more information on batch update methods performed by the Metadata Unit, visit this libguideXML Batch Update Steps

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