Assignments and Grading Grading
All Assignments must be completed to earn credit for this class. For late Discussion Group Posts and Mini Presentation Response Sheets, there is a 10% reduction in grade per day late. For all other assignments (i.e., assignments related to the Harn Exhibit), there is a 30% reduction in grade per day late.
Class Attendance (85 points) Attendance in this class is mandatory. Students may miss two periods without penalty. After this, any class missed will result in a deduction of 7 points per absence from the “Attendance” grade. Two instances of tardiness- being fifteen minutes or more late to class- constitutes one absence. Students with no absences will receive 5 points of extra credit at the end of the semester added to their attendance grade.
Discussion Groups (75 points)
There will be five Discussion Posts on Canvas throughout the semester. Each Discussion Post consists of one original post of 150-400 words and 2 replies to other posts each of 50-200 words. Students must complete at least three of these Discussion Posts. They may complete the other Dicussion Posts for Extra Credit (5 points each, for a potential total of 10 extra points). For a Discussion Post to be complete, students must complete both an original post and two replies within the same discussion. Each Discussion Post is worth 25 points. The due dates of each Discussion Post can be seen on the class schedule above.
Mini Presentations
During our unit on Cross-Cultural Monster Narratives, each student will give a brief 3-5 minute presentation on a story, myth, or legend about monsters from their own culture. The culture can be local (town, city, or region) or national (country). The student must also explicitly connect their presentation to at least one topic about monsters that has been discussed in class in some way (from the book, other readings, lectures, class discussions, or other materials). They must provide a brief analysis of this topic and an explanation of how their monster story relates to it. Powerpoints and other presentation tools may be used but are by no means required. The presentation dates can be seen on the class schedule abovel
There will be two days of presentations. For each day of presentations, each student will choose one presentation other than their own to write a response sheet on. Each response sheet should be between 200-500 words long. The due date for the response sheets can be seen on the class schedule above.
Art Work Assignment Picks (20 points)
Students will be given a list of art works that can potentially be included in the Harn Museum Exhibit we are creating on Monsters on the first day of class. They must choose three different works of art that they think should be included in the exhibit and that they would be interested in researching over the course of the semester, rank these art works in terms of their preferences, and provide a brief explanation on why they would be interested in researching each of these works. This assignment will be due the second week of class, however, art work pieces will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis, so students are encouraged to submit this assignment as early as possible.
Harn Visit Attendance (20 points)
On September 12, we will be meeting with our Harn exhibit coordinators at the Harn Museum during our normal class time so that we can see the exhibit space and receive instructions from the exhibit coordinators as a class. We will provide assistance upon request for anyone who believes they may have difficulty reaching the museum for the meeting, however, it is strictly mandatory for all students. Attendance at the meeting is worth 20 points.
Writing Label Text (60 points)
Each student will be responsible for writing label text for their art piece for the Harn exhibit. There will be three drafts of label text submitted (see the class schedule above for specific dates). The Harn curators will provide initial instruction on how to write label text and will also correct and return the first two drafts so that students can perfect it before it is used in the exhibit.
Harn Project Participation (60 points)
In addition to picking and researching an art piece for the exhibit and writing its label text, each student must also participate in designing or promoting some aspect of the Harn Exhibit in another way of their choice. Students are highly encouraged to develop their own ideas for improving the exhibit in any way they would like to- possible suggestions include advertising the exhibit, designing the exhibit space, or creating a creative supplement for the exhibit (a podcast, a blog, etc.). Students must submit their specific idea for their project to both the class instructors and the Harn coordinators by October 24, although they are encouraged to do so earlier. They will receive full points for participation in the project as long as they adhere to to the plans they agree to with the instructors and communicate with the instructors and the Harn coordinators regularly throughout the semester.
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