You can search by title, or browse by subject area using Browzine to see what ophthalmology titles are available at UF.
For additional databases provided by the Health Science Center Libraries, please refer to our Database List.
While the database requirements for systematic reviews and meta-analyses vary based on the focus of the research and the desired journal for publication, these are widely seen as the four key databases to include:
It is highly recommended that you look at the requirements of the journal you wish to publish in to see their requirements for included databases and protocol reporting standards BEFORE you start your systematic review.
Access to electronic resources should be seamless from any UF networked computer. Note that some computers in Shands may require remote access.
Eligibility for access: UF students/faculty/staff members with current, valid UF ID/Gator1 Card
Remote access for all electronic resources: VPN software or EZProxy.
Some databases, journals and resources are public access and some are UF-subscribed.
If you can't access full-text from PubMed, do not assume that we don't have it.
If UF does not have the article you need in either print or electronic form, request a free copy via InterlibraryLoan. ILL usually take 3 days and delivers as Web PDFs. Books and other items can also be obtained via ILL though they are slower to obtain.
Do NOT pay to order articles without consulting with your liaison librarian!