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Orthopaedic Medicine and Surgery: Orthopaedic Medicine & Surgery Journals

American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation - Current TOC feed

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  • Eligibility for Access: UF students/faculty/staff members with a valid UF-ID/Gator1 Card
  • Remote Access for all E-Resources: 
  • Some databases, journals and resources listed in this guide are freely available, and some are paid subscriptions by UF.  If you can't access full-text, search the library catalog for the book/journal title to see if the library has a subscription.  
  • If the library does not have access to the full-text of an article, you can request a free copy via InterlibraryLoan.  The full-text will be emailed within 2-3 business days. Books and other items can also be obtained via ILL, although they take longer to process.
  • Articles requested as "Rush" (needed for clinical emergencies) can be delivered in 4 hrs or less.
  • Do NOT pay to order articles without consulting with your liaison librarian! Email me for assistance.

Journal Impact Factors

The impact factor of a journal is a measurement that reflects the average number of times that articles in a particular journal have been cited. The measurement changes from year to year, and is based on data from the previous two years. This measurement is often used to estimate the relative importance of a journal in its particular science or social science field. 

 To locate the impact factor of a particular journal, go to Journal Citation Reports (JCR)
Select the option to "Search for a specific journal."
Type in the journal title, and click the Search button.

You can also create a list of journals in a particular field, first, go to Journal Citation Reports (JCR)
Select the option to "View a group of journals by subject category."
Then select the relevant subject category, and click the Submit button. You can sort by journal title or impact factor.

Please note: Not all journals are included in JCR and so every journal may not have an impact factor. There are also many other considerations for determining the importance and quality of a journal beyond the impact factor. Remember to log in to the VPN or proxy service if you are accessing library resources when you are off campus.

Orthopaedic Journals

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