Mapping the historic local administrations of Portugal, in Portuguese and English.
Atlas of Literary Landscapes of Portugal.
Having as its temporal markers the second half of the 18th century and the end of the 19th, the project intends to investigate the rise and consolidation of the novel in Brazil, by means of the examination of the novels which circulated in our country, of the practices of reading they produced and the spaces where these practices took place.
The project aims to produce consistent knowledge about printed matter and ideas circulating between England, France, Portugal and Brazil during the “long nineteenth century” (1789 - 1914).
It is a digital archive with the most relevant magazines, catalogs, and publications of the Portuguese literary experimentalism of the 1960s.
Within the P.S. (Post Scriptum) Project, systematic research will be developed, along with the publishing and historical-linguistic study of private letters written in Portugal and Spain along the Modern Ages. Not only does the P.S. Project present a wide collection of private letters, but it also makes it available as a scholarly digital edition and as an annotated corpus.
The Center has three interrelated purposes:
1. to facilitate and promote the research programs of humanities* scholars at the University,
2. to provide an intellectual space and a physical location within the University and College for critical and collaborative discussions of the humanities that reach across and beyond individual disciplines, and
3. to provide a place for outreach to the community in which we live and teach.
Check out this guide if you want to learn more about the Digital Humanities are and the different projects and initiatives happening at UF.
The Scott Nygren Scholars Studio, located in Library West, is an emerging community center for digital humanities and digital scholarship at the University of Florida. Open to faculty and graduate students to support collaborative dh/ds research and practice, the Studio offers the technology necessary for users to make new intellectual contributions in their fields.
UF’s new nine-credit, interdisciplinary graduate certificate in DH provides students with a broad-based study of DH practices; an in-depth experience of DH within a specific discipline; and the opportunity, through its capstone studio course, to produce a portfolio tailored to the student’s own discipline and career goals.
The Florida Digital Humanities Consortium (FLDH) is a collective of institutions in the State of Florida that seeks to promote an understanding of the humanities in light of digital technologies and research.