Data Organization in Spreadsheets
This workshop guides researchers on organizing tabular data in order to streamline later analysis in Excel, R, or the statistical program of their choice. Attendees will gain an understanding of the principles and practices in project organization, file naming, and structuring tidy data.
Data Cleaning with OpenRefine
OpenRefine (formerly Google Refine) is a powerful free and open source tool for data cleaning, enabling you to correct errors in the data, and make sure that the values and formatting are consistent. In addition, OpenRefine records your processing steps, enabling you to apply the same cleaning procedure to other data, and enhancing the reproducibility of your analysis. This workshop will teach you to use OpenRefine to clean and format data and automatically track any changes that you make.
Writing Reusable and Modular Code
This workshop introduces attendees to the principles of writing 'clean' code, that is easier to read, maintain, and expand. Attendees will learn about organizing complex programming scripts into modular functions, writing effective documentation, and habits to improve code robustness and reusability.
An Introduction to Writing R Packages
R packages are a powerful way to share code and data across your individual projects, with colleagues, or even with the broader scientific community. They can also form the basis for a Research Compendium to share data analysis work reproducibly. This workshop will introduce the basics of creating custom R packages for personal use and for sharing!
A Friendly Introduction to Github for Project Version Control
Github is a cloud-based platform commonly used to host open-source coding project... this workshop will introduce how it can be used more broadly to back-up your research projects, collaborate within your lab and with remote colleagues, and even practice open science by (optionally) sharing your research project publicly.
Using GitHub for Collaboration
This workshop will introduce how to use Git and GitHub as a platform for collaboration. Attendees will learn the essentials of Git branches, merge conflicts and how to resolve them, and the GitHub Flow workflow practice for collaboration.
Publishing Interim Research Products
This workshop will survey various tools and platforms that enable researchers to share and publish interim products, such as data, code, protocols, posters, etc.; to solicit feedback, demonstrate accomplishments, and get cited for work that isn’t a peer-reviewed publication.
An Introduction to Writing Reproducible Manuscripts Using RMarkdown
RMarkdown is a versatile document format that can combine text, R code, figures, and tables together in a single document, and create formatted output as PDFs, MS Word files, slides, websites, and more. This workshop will provide a basic introduction to using RMarkdown, how to insert code, tables, figures, and format references, and an overview of the possible output formats.
Creating a Personal Website (Using Blogdown)
Blogdown is an extension of R Markdown, focusing on creating websites. This workshop will operate as a Getting Started guide for creating a website in Blogdown, using GitHub Pages to host the website, and GitHub Actions for continuous deployment.
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