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Standards: Getting copies

Your guide to industry standards: what they are, who produces them, how to obtain copies.

Free Standards at UF

Here are some links to free standards available through the UF Libraries and online:

* Current IEEE standards are online through the IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL). Use VPN or UF wireless on your device. Under the drop down menu next to the search box, click on standards.

* ASTM Standards are online. Use VPN or UF wireless on your device. 

* ANSI Standards (American National Standards Institute) Incorporated by Reference (IBR) portal provides access to standards that have been incorporated by reference in the U.S. Code of federal Regulations (CFR) are offered at no cost in “read only” format for online reading. There are no print or download options. 

* IEEE Xplore provides access to IEEE active, revised, archived, and draft standards.

* UL Standards (Underwriters Laboratory). Under UL Alternative Documents link, you can read them for free online.

* NFPA Standards (National Fire Protection Association).  Under codes and standards drop down menu, look for the link Free access.  

* ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code online via Knovel.

* Remember most government standards are also free, such as NASA standards

FREE Standards for COVID-19

In response to COVID-19, several standards were made available through Open Access (free of charge). These standards include those related to medical masks, gowns, gloves, hand sanitizers, and other PPE and medical equipment. 




ILLiad Interlibrary Loan

Some libraries have copies of some standards.  UF faculty/staff/students may use the ILLiad Interlibrary Loan service to see if another library has (and will lend or copy) a standard.  However, in most cases standards must be purchased.


ANSI University Outreach Program for ISO and IEC Standards - makes available complimentary copies of International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards to individual professors for use in their classrooms.  Instructors must request from


From these stores, you may purchase standards from a wide variety of organizations and publishers. Most allow you to search or browse by publisher or by industry as well as keywords. Standards may be available in print or online form, depending on publisher and year.

Library Purchase of Standards

Although the library does not have a budget set aside for purchasing standards for patrons, we are committed to help you.

  1. The Libraries seek to balance the cost of collecting technical standards and the value provided to our students and researchers. 
  2. The Libraries subscribe to sets of core technical standards collections where efficient, such as ASTM and IEEE.
  3. The Libraries maintain short-term, university-wide subscriptions to individual standards and similar documents on request. 
  4. All subscribed standards are regularly reviewed for past and future use.

If you are faculty or conducting research for a faculty member, please contact your subject specialist librarian to discuss options for purchase of a standard. For students, contact your librarian for assistance in finding free copies of older versions of a standard.  

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