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Guide for using ITS's UFDC Toolkit

UFDC Toolkit Features

The "re-load items" feature in the UFDC Toolkit allows us to effectively "refresh" an item page in the new UFDC, also known as Anubis. This feature is useful when you have updated metadata, either manually using the Metadata Editor in Legacy UFDC or using the batch update method via the builder tool. In my experience, this feature works only if the update is visible in Legacy UFDC but is not showing yet in the new UFDC. Additionally, keep in mind that updates may take several hours to appear in the new UFDC. Therefore, it's best to wait a day after making an update before using the re-load feature in the UFDC Toolkit.

Steps: Re-load Item

1: Log in to UFDC Toolkit. In the sidebar menu, navigate to "Anubis mgmt" and then select "Re-load Items".


2: Choose a Re-loading Method:

  • Method 1: Select by Bibid
    • This option allows you to re-load one or multiple bibids (with accompanying vid). Click the "Add Row" option to re-load multiple items at once.

  • Method 2: Select by Collection
    • This option allows you to re-load all items in a selected collection using the collection's aggregation code.



  • ​​​​​Method 3: Upload via Spreadsheet
    • If you have a list of items that don’t fit into a group or category, you can list these items in an Excel (.csv) spreadsheet. Make sure you follow the recommended format shown in the image below.


After Item Re-load

After performing an item re-load, keep in mind that the re-load speed depends on how busy the processor is at the time.



Useful Tips

  • Try to perform item reloads when the builder is not too active.
  • If using the Bibid re-load option, I have found that my re-loads are more successful when the Bibids are submitted one at a time rather than in large groups.

Bilingual Metadata Specialist

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