Women's History Month

A guide to information and resources for Women's History Month at the George A. Smathers Libraries


Conjuring: Black Women, Fiction, and Literary Tradition
The other mirror : women's narrative in Mexico, 1980-1995
Beyond women's words : feminisms and the practices of oral history in the twenty-first century
The Suffering Will Not Be Televised : African American women and sentimental political storytelling
Graphic Women: life narrative and contemporary comics
International Women's Writing : new landscapes of identity
Telling Stories, Making Histories : women, words, and Islam in nineteenth-century Hausaland and the Sokoto
Disruptive Archives: feminist memories of resistance in Latin America's dirty wars
Cinematic Howling : women's films, women's film theories
Cassandra Speaks : when women are the storytellers, the human story changes
Caribbean Shadows and Victorian Ghosts : women's writing and decolonization
The Wilderness Within: American women writers and spiritual quest
Doers of the Word:  African-American women speakers and writers in the North (1830-1880)
Reforming Fictions: Native, African, and Jewish American Women's Literature and Journalism in the Progressive Era
Taking Their Place: a documentary history of women and journalism
Women and Journalism
Women and the Press: the struggle for equality
Telling Women's Lives : narrative inquiries in the history of women's education
Women Building History : public art at the 1893 Columbian Exposition
A Documentary HerStory of Women Artists in Revolution
In Her Own Words : oral histories of women physicians
A History of Women Photographers


Native speakers : Ella Deloria, Zora Neale Hurston, Jovita González, and the poetics of culture
Listening for a life : a dialogic ethnography of Bessie Eldreth through her songs and stories
Tasteful domesticity : women's rhetoric & the American cookbook 1790-1940
Yours in sisterhood : Ms. magazine and the promise of popular feminism
Equal to the occasion: women editors of the nineteenth-century West
Writing for Immortality: Women and the Emergence of High Literary Culture in America
An improper profession: women, gender, and journalism in late Imperial Russia
Kissing the mango tree : Puerto Rican women rewriting American literature
Making Feminist Media: Third-Wave Magazines on the Cusp of the Digital Age
The Only Efficient Instrument: American Women Writers & The Periodical
Sympathy, Madness, and Crime : how four nineteenth-century journalists made the newspaper women's business
Contemporary Arab Women Writers: Cultural Expression in Context
Women's Tales from the New Mexico WPA: la diabla a pie
Women's Writing of Ancient Mesopotamia : an anthology of the earliest female authors
Women, Art, and Power and Other Essays
Women and the Periodical Press in China's Long Twentieth Century : a space of their own?
Women’s Manga in Asia and Beyond: Uniting Different Cultures and Identities
Looking back : Canadian women's prairie memoirs and intersections of culture, history, and identity
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