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Environmental Horticulture

A guide to help you take advantage of library resources and services in Environmental Horticulture

Getting Started at the library

  1. Set up the UF VPN: When you're off campus, you will need to use the UF VPN software to access electronic databases, journals and books.
  2. Access Course Reserves to read materials shared with your class by your instructor
  3. Search the library catalog for books or journal titles: Links to online books and journals are also contained within the catalog.
  4. Check your account status or renew material. You can renew your books and check your library account from the catalog, after signing in with your Gator ID (click Sign In in top right corner).
  5. Search databases to find articles in journals: If you are trying to decide which database is appropriate for your research, look at the list of databases listed on the Journal Articles tab above.
  6. Create an Interlibrary Loan account. This will allow you to place requests for books and journal articles not owned by the UF Libraries. The ILL office will contact other borrowing libraries around the world to request your book or article. Journal articles are normally sent electronically.
  7. Enjoy the UF Libraries Safely!  We encourage masks, social distancing and hand-sanitizing for everyone's safety.

Browsing Guide

Call # Subject

Agriculture, General

SB Plant Culture

Natural History

QK Botany
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