Listed below are a few databases that might be useful when beginning your information search. For a more complete list, please see our page of Library Databases.
GATOR is an acronym to help you remember important components of website evaluation.
Genuine -
Is the website or resource authentic? Look for the identity of the site sponsor and the length of time the site has been up.
Accurate -
Is the material free from error? Error may be from misinformation or from a lack of updating to represent new discoveries. Is the website current? When was it last updated?
Trustworthy -
Is the information true and reliable? Look for references. Consider the author's credentials and affiliations with academic, non-profit, and government organizations.
Origin -
Origin means the producer of the material. Is the information produced by a reputable hospital or pharmaceutical company.
Readability -
This refers to the ease with which you can read the material. Is it too elementary, too technical, or too advanced?
Reference: Educating patients to evaluate web-based health care information: the GATOR approach to healthy surfing. Weber BA, Derrico DJ, Yoon SL, Sherwill-Navarro P. J Clin Nurs. 2009 Jun 17.