"It [My Research] Would Take Place at 11:50 PM": Constructing a Realistic Simulation to Study Online Information Evaluation for School Projects, Presentation at Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy (GICOIL), February 22, 2020. Picture: Brittany Brannon (OCLC) and Amy Buhler (University of Florida).
"Authority, Context and Containers: Student Perceptions and Judgments When Using Google for School Work", at the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) World Library and Information Conference (WLIC) in Athens, Greece, August 28, 2019.
Pictured: Lynn Connaway (OCLC).
"Authority, Context and Containers: Student Perceptions and Judgments When Using Google for School Work", at the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) World Library and Information Conference (WLIC) in Athens, Greece, August 28, 2019.
Pictured: Third from left, Amy Buhler (University of Florida) and fourth from left, Lynn Connaway (OCLC).
"Container Collapse: Student Search Choices and Implications for Information Interventions" at AASL at the American Library Association's Annual Meeting in Washington D.C., Saturday, June 22, 2019 from 4:00-5:00pm in Convention Center 145A.
From L to R: Lynn Connaway (OCLC), Joyce Valenza (Rutgers University), and Tara Cataldo (University of Florida)
Designing a "Point of Selection" Study Using Simulations: From Trailhead to Terminus at the Annual LOEX Conference in Minneapolis, MN, Friday May 10, 2019.
From L to R: Joyce Valenza (Rutgers University), Brittany Brannon (OCLC), Amy Buhler (University of Florida)
"Container Collapse and the Information Remix: Students' Evaluations of Scientific Research Recast in Scholarly vs. Popular Sources" at the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, Friday, April 12, 2019 from 4:15-4:45pm in Room 26B
From L to R: Amy Buhler (University of Florida), Brittany Brannon and Ixchel Faniel (OCLC)
"Container Collapse and the Information Remix: Students' Evaluations of Scientific Research Recast in Scholarly vs. Popular Sources" at the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, Friday, April 12, 2019 from 4:15-4:45pm in Room 26B
“Can't take newspapers too seriously": Using Simulations to Study Students’ Perceptions and Judgements of Online Scientific Information" at the STS Research Forum at the 2018 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans, Sunday, June 24, 2018. Pictured: Tara Cataldo (University of Florida).
"From Grade School to Grad School: Student Decision-making in the Face of Container Collapse", Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT) at ALA, Chicago, IL, June 23, 2017. Pictured: Rachael Elrod (University of Florida).
"Truthiness and the Burmese Python: Students' Information Choices in the Face of Container Collapse", Poster Session at ALISE, Atlanta, GA, January 18, 2017. Pictured: Joyce Valenza (Rutgers University) and Rachael Elrod (University of Florida).
Articles in Progress:
Cataldo, T., Faniel, I., Buhler, A., Silipigni Connaway, L., Brannon, B. and Putnam, S. (2023) Students’ perceptions of preprints discovered in Google: a window into recognition and evaluation. College & Research Libraries, 84(1). https://doi.org/10.5860/crl.84.1.137.
Buhler, A. G., Brannon, B., Cataldo, T. T., Faniel, I. M., Connaway, L. S., Valenza, J. K., Elrod, R., & Cyr, C. (2022). How real is real enough? Participant feedback on a behavioral simulation used for information-seeking behavior research. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. https://doi.org/10.1177/09610006211067799 (Online First)
Brannon, B., Buhler, A. G., Cataldo, T. T., Faniel, I. M., Connaway, L. S., Valenza, J. K., & Cyr, C. (2022). Genre containers: Building a theoretical framework for studying formats in information behavior. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 73( 4), 609– 624. https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.24600
Brannon, B., Buhler, A. G., Cataldo, T. T., Faniel, I. M., Connaway, L. S., Valenza, J. K., & Cyr, C. (2022). Genre containers: Building a theoretical framework for studying formats in information behavior. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 73( 4), 609– 624.
Silipigni Connaway, L., & Kasman Valenza, J. (2021). Stop Source-Shaming: Acknowledge Wikipedia in the research process. American Libraries. September/October 2021 issue.
Cyr, C., Cataldo, T., Brannon, B., Buhler, A., Faniel, I., Silipigni Connaway, L., Kasman Valenza, J., Elrod, R., & Putnam, S. (2021). Backgrounds and behaviors: Which students successfully identify online resources in the face of container collapse. First Monday, 26(3).
Cataldo, T., Buhler, A., Faniel, I., Brannon, B., Silipigni Connaway, L., Cyr, C., Langer, K., Hood, E., Valenza, J., Elrod, R., Graff, R., Putnam, S. & Howland, S. (2020) Mixed methods data collection using simulated Google results: Reflections on the methodology of a point-of-selection behaviour study. Information Research, 25(4).
Cataldo, T., Langer, K., Buhler, A., Putnam, S., Elrod, R., Faniel, I., Connaway, L., Cyr, C., Brannon, B., Valenza, J., Hood, E., & Graff, R. (2019). Science and news: A study of students’ judgements of online scientific news information. Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship, 93.
Connaway, L. S., Valenza, J. K., Cyr, C., Cataldo, T. T., Buhler, A. G., Faniel, I. M., Elrod, R., Graff, R. A., Putnam, S. R., Brannon, B., Hood, E. M., & Langer, K. (2019). Authority, context, and containers: Student perceptions and judgments when using Google for school work. IFLA Conference Paper, Athens, Greece.
Buhler, A. G., Faniel, I. M., Brannon, B., Cyr, C., Cataldo, T. T., Connaway, L. S., Valenza, J. K., Elrod, R., Graff, R. A., Putnam, S. R., Hood, E. M., & Langer, K. (2019). Container collapse and the information remix: Students' evaluations of scientific research recast in scholarly vs. popular sources. ACRL Conference Paper, Cleveland, OH.
Cyr, C. (2022). Container Collapse and Misinformation: Why Digitization Creates Challenges for Democracy. IN Libraries and the Global Retreat of Democracy: Confronting Polarization, Misinformation and Suppression (Advances in Librarianship v. 50). pg. 91-108.
"I'm not about that life": Student perceptions of open access on the open web. Poster at ACRL 2023:.March 16, 2023.
Wikipedia Shaming: Authority Dilemmas Across Educational Stages. On Demand session at ALA Annual Conference, June 23-29, 2021.
What's Format Got to Do with It? The Role Information Formats Play in Evaluating Search Results. WebJunction Webinar. March 17, 2021.
"Containers, Genres, and Formats, Oh My: Creating Sustainable Concepts by Connecting Theory, Research, Practice, and Education" Presentation at 2020 ASIS&T Virtual Annual Meeting. October 27, 2020
Crossing Thresholds: Wikipedia Shaming and Facing Authority Dilemmas across Educational Levels. Presentation at ALA 2020 Virtual Conference's Library Research Roundtable (LRRT) - Research Matters: Strengthening our Values, Defining Our Practice. June 24, 2020.
Cues and Clues - How Students Identify Online Resources in the Face of "Container Collapse." OCLC Works In Progress Webinar, February 27, 2020.
"It [My Research] Would Take Place at 11:50 PM": Constructing a Realistic Simulation to Study Online Information Evaluation for School Projects. Presentation at Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy in Savannah, GA, February 22, 2020.
Container Collapse:
Student Search Choices and Implications for
Container Collapse:
Student Search Choices and Implications for
Container Collapse and the Information Remix: Students
Evaluations of Scientific Research Recast in Scholarly vs.
Popular Sources
Container Collapse and the Information Remix: Students
Evaluations of Scientific Research Recast in Scholarly vs.
Popular Sources
Container Collapse and the Information Remix: Students
Evaluations of Scientific Research Recast in Scholarly vs.
Popular Sources
From Research to Action: Kids and Google: What We Learned and How to Respond with our Shared Foundations. Presentation at AASL National Conference & Exhibition in Louisville, KY, November 15, 2019.
Snake News or Fake News? A Game Show about how Students Evaluate Scientific Information in Google Search Results. Presentation at Charleston Conference in Charleston, SC, November 6, 2019.
Researching Students' Information Choices (RSIC): Determining Identity and Judging Credibility in Digital Spaces. ASIS&T. Panel Presentation at ASIS&T Annual Meeting in Melbourne, Australia, October 21, 2019.
Students' Evaluations of Online Scientific Resources. Poster at EDUCAUSE Annual Conference in Chicago, IL, October 15, 2019.
Authority, Context, and Containers: Student Perceptions and Judgments when Using Google for School Work. Presentation at IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Athens, Greece, August 28, 2019.
"Container Collapse: Student Search Choices and Implications for Information Interventions" Presentation at AASL at the American Library Association's Annual Meeting in Washington D.C., June 22, 2019.
"Designing a 'Point of Selection' Study Using Simulations: From Trailhead to Terminus" Presentation at the LOEX Annual Conference in Minneapolis, MN, May 10, 2019.
"Container Collapse and the Information Remix: Students' Evaluations of Scientific Research Recast in Scholarly vs. Popular Sources" Presentation at the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, April 12, 2019.
"Information Literacy: Visual Context Matters" Presentation at OCLC Power Hour at the American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, Seattle, WA, January 25-29, 2019.
"You Talked To Your Users--What Now?: Developing Codebooks for Qualitative Data Analysis" Presentation at the Academic Library Association of Ohio's (ALAO) Annual Conference, Columbus, OH, November 2, 2018.
““Can't take newspapers too seriously": Using Simulations to Study Students’ Perceptions and Judgements of Online Scientific Information" Presentation at the STS Research Forum at the 2018 ALA Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA , June 24, 2018.
"From Grade School to Grad School: Student Decision-making in the Face of Container Collapse", Presentation at the Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT) Preconference "Examining and Supporting Student Transitions Across the Library Spectrum" at ALA Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, June 23, 2017
"The Future of Content and its Containers: Assessing the Impact on Discoverability, User Experience, and Revenue" Invited Panel at SSP 2017, Boston, MA , June 1, 2017.
"Electronic Resource Containers: How accurately are students able to distinguish between the various packaging of online information?" Presentation at ER&L 2017, Austin, TX, April 4, 2017.
"Container Collapse and the Burmese Python: A Conversation About How Students Discern Identity and Determine Credibility of Digital Resources". Presentation at Computers in Libraries, Arlington, VA , March 30, 2017.
"Truthiness and the Burmese Python: Students' Information Choices in the Face of Container Collapse", Poster Session at ALISE, Atlanta, GA, January 18, 2017.
"Students' Ability to Identify E-Resources", Invited Webex for Charlotte Initiatives' User Experience Research Team, November 14, 2016.
"Container Collapse! : How Students Determine Identity and Credibility of Digital Resources", Presentation at the 22nd Annual Reference Research Forum at ALA Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, June 26, 2016.
Cyr, C. (2020) The Wikipedia research conundrum: Is it citable?. Next.
Brannon, B. (2019). Always judge a book by its cover. Next.
Valenza, J. (2019). Isn't it time to stop Wikipedia shaming? School Library Journal.
Connaway, L. A. (2018). What is "container collapse" and why should librarians and teachers care? Next.
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