Anthropology Library Guide

Research guides for various subfields of anthropology.


Click here to view all the anthropology titles published in 2024 in our catalog

Click here to view all the archaeology titles published in 2024 in our catalog

Deadlines for 2024 - 2025 acquisitions: email me your requests

March 20th – Last day to request one-time international print orders
April 10th – Last day to request one-time domestic print orders
May 10th – Last day to request one-time e-resources (eBook and streaming video) 

Trial Databases: Browse the right panel in the A-z Database listing for new trials by clicking here

Direct Order 2022 - 2023

About: Anthropology Acquisitions

New titles are acquired by the Libraries in two ways: 1) Direct Order by the Selector, 2) Demand Driven Acquisition. Direct order selections are made using the following methods: solicitation of titles from Anthropology faculty and students, review of Anthropology course syllabi, consultation of academic reviews of new and classic titles, and referencing publishing platforms known for their anthropological contributions. 

Demand Driven Acquisition is the process by which titles are added if they are regularly being requested by alternative borrowing processes such as UBorrow and Inter-Library Loan. These titles do not remain in the collection long-term as a limited license eBook is the default purchase type.

If you would like a title added to the collection, and would like it to be widely available or a permanent selection, please send me your requests directly. It is helpful if you specify the preferred format of the material in your message (e.g. eBook, print, streaming video).

New Film and Video

Check out our multiple streaming video platforms to find the resources you need or search the catalog for films and videos.

Gifts to the Library

If you have books you would like to donate to the UF Library collection, please see our official gift policy here.

For gifts numbering more than 10 titles, please email me a list of titles with ISBN numbers. 

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