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New Florida Journal of Anthropology

The New Florida Journal of Anthropology (NFJA) is built on the tradition of the original Florida Journal of Anthropology, which was in press from 1976-1995. NFJA is run by graduate students in the Anthropology Department at the University of Florida. Submissions are not limited to members of the UF community. Diversity of research is encouraged by accepting work in all subfields of anthropology, as well as temporal and geographic regions, equally. Although NFJA is an anthropology journal, submissions are open to any body of research that includes an anthropological focus. The tradition of academic integrity is upheld by maintaining the double-blind peer-review process. The primary goal is the dissemination of knowledge. To attain this, both the original FJA and current NFJA editions are available in an open-access digital format, free of charge. For more information, please visit our website at or send us an email

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