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Open Access

Information for authors on the Libraries' investments to make open access publishing more affordable.

Publishing Open Access

Do you want to publish in an Open Access publication? There are a great many publishing venues, but the article processing charges (APCs) can be prohibitive. However, not all publishers charge a fee. You can search for journals without APCs in the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals). 

The Smathers Libraries do NOT receive any additional funding to support OA. Instead, the Libraries leverage our memberships and subscriptions to negotiate discounts or waivers of APCs for the UF community.

On this page you will find current information on these OA agreements, as well as the Journal Search Tool that can help you discover participating journals.

Journal Search

Use our Journal Search Tool to find journals included in our open access agreements; you can publish open access in these journals without paying APCs, or receive a discount on the APCs.

Journal Search Tool for UF

Discounts and Waivers for APCs

The Libraries partner with a range of publishers to pass on savings for open access publishing costs to our authors. In most cases, this comes in the form of a percentage discount on the article processing charge (APC); in other cases, all publications from UF authors may be published at no cost thanks to the Libraries' investments.

American Chemical Society - The Libraries subscribe to the complete journal package from the American Chemical Society and UF authors receive a $250 discount on APCs to make individual articles OA.

arXiv - The Libraries support this popular preprint archive by paying an annual fee.  UF consistently ranks in the top 100 universities using arXiv.

BioMed Central - The Libraries pay a membership fee to BioMed Central (BMC) and UF authors receive a 15% discount on APCs for all BMC and Springer Open journals.

Cambridge University Press - The Libraries support this initiative by incorporating APCs into annual subscription fees.  Through this initiative, corresponding authors at UF submit and publish open access articles with no out-of-pocket costs.  

Canadian Science PublishingThe Libraries support this initiative by incorporating article processing charges into annual subscription fees.  Through this initiative, corresponding authors at UF submit and publish open access articles with no out-of-pocket costs. Read more about the submission process here 

Elsevier Science Direct - The Libraries have entered into a pilot agreement with Elsevier through December 2028 which extends a discount on article processing charges (APCs). Articles eligible for the APC discount must have been submitted after July 1, 2020.  The corresponding author must be affiliated with UF. Discounts for both Hybrid OA and Gold OA journals are 15% off the APC list price. Find Elsevier APC list prices here. Cell Press, The Lancet, and certain society press titles are excluded from this pilot program. The discounts will be automatically applied to the publishing options offered by Elsevier once the corresponding author indicates an affiliation with UF. The APC discount was extended to authors at all SUS institutions in 2024. Find more information about Elsevier's OA policies here and Elsevier's OA agreement with UF and other SUS institutions here.  

Institute of Physics -- The Libraries support this initiative by incorporating APCs into annual subscription fees.  Through this initiative, corresponding authors at UF submit and publish open access articles in eligible journals with no out-of-pocket costs.  

International Water Association (IWA) - The Libraries support open access publishing in IWA journals by incorporating article processing charges into annual subscription fees.  Through this initiative, corresponding authors at UF submit and publish open access articles with no out-of-pocket costs.  

Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development - The Libraries support this OA journal by paying an annual community support fee.  APCs for UF authors are waived as a result.

Luminos - The Libraries support this initiative from the University of California Press by paying an annual membership fee. This fee supports the publication costs of multidisciplinary ebooks and allows them to be freely available online.  UF authors receive a 10% discount on APCs.

Microbiology Society Publish & Read - The Libraries support this initiative by incorporating article processing charges into annual subscription fees.  Through this initiative, corresponding authors at UF submit and publish open access articles with no out-of-pocket costs.  

MIT Press Direct to Open (D2O) - The Libraries financially support this collective funding initiative that seeks to open access to all new, interdisciplinary scholarly ebooks from MIT Press starting in 2022.  UF authors can publish monographs with MIT Press with no out-of-pocket costs.  

Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) - The Libraries support this OA publisher as an institutional participant and UF authors receive a 10% discount on APCs. 

Open Book Publishers - The Libraries support this independent publisher of books in the Humanities and Social Sciences.  Through our membership, UF users can download all ebooks for free, receive a 20% discount on print book purchases, and benefit from ongoing open access ebook publishing.

Open Library of the Humanities - APCs are waived for UF authors in Open Library of the Humanities for journals such as Glossa, thanks to the Libraries' membership.

Punctum Books - Through the Libraries' sponsorship of this scholarly publisher, UF authors can publish open access books with no out-of-pocket costs. Punctum Books are openly accessible to readers around the globe. 

Rockefeller University Press Read & Publish - The Libraries support this initiative by incorporating article processing charges into annual subscription fees.  Through this initiative, corresponding authors at UF submit and publish open access articles with no out-of-pocket costs.  

Royal Society of Chemistry Read & PublishThe Libraries support this initiative by incorporating article processing charges into annual subscription fees.  Through this initiative, corresponding authors at UF submit and publish open access articles in all gold and hybrid open access journals with no out-of-pocket costs. 

SCOAP3 - The Libraries are a SCOAP3 partner.  This partnership allows the Libraries to transfer our subscription costs for individual physics journals to fund SCOAP3, which in turn makes these journals open access.

Springer Open - The Libraries pay a membership fee to Springer Nature for BioMed Central (BMC) and Springer Open journals. UF authors receive a 15% discount on APCs for all BMC and Springer Open journals.

The Biochemical Society Read & Publish - The Libraries support this initiative by incorporating article processing charges into annual subscription fees.  Through this initiative, corresponding authors at UF submit and publish open access articles with no out-of-pocket costs.  

The Company of Biologists Read & Publish - The Libraries support this initiative by incorporating article processing charges into annual subscription fees.  Through this initiative, corresponding authors at UF submit and publish open access articles with no out-of-pocket costs.  

The Programming Historian - The Libraries' are Institutional Partners of this fully open access publication.  The Programming Historian publishes peer-reviewed tutorials around digital scholarship in English, French, and Spanish.  UF authors can publish with The Programming Historian with no out-of-pocket costs.  

The Royal Society Read & Publish - The Libraries support this initiative by incorporating article processing charges into annual subscription fees.  Through this initiative, corresponding authors at UF submit and publish open access articles with no out-of-pocket costs. We have Pack S which includes all the Royal Society journalsRead more about eligibility and the submission process here.  

University of Michigan Press Fund to Mission - The Libraries financially support this collective funding initiative that seeks to convert University of Michigan ebooks to open access each year.  UF authors can publish monographs with the University of Michigan Press with no out-of-pocket costs. 


Other No-APC Journals for UF

Subscribe to OpenIn this model, the Libraries receive a discount from publishers for our annual subscription fees.  If enough libraries continue to subscribe, the publisher will make the previously-paywalled content open access and available to non-subscribers.  UF corresponding authors can publish in these journals with no out-of-pocket costs.  The Libraries maintain our subscriptions to the following S2O journals:

Algebra & Number Theory (Mathematical Sciences Publishers)

Algebraic & Geometric Topology (Mathematical Sciences Publishers)

Annual Review of Animal Biosciences (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Anthropology (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Biochemistry (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Biomedical Data Science (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Biophysics (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Cancer Biology (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Clinical Psychology (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Criminology (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Developmental Psychology (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Economics (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Entomology (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Environment and Resources (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Financial Economics (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Food Science and Technology (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Genetics (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Immunology (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Law and Social Science (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Linguistics (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Marine Science (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Materials Research (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Medicine (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Microbiology (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Neuroscience (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Nutrition (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Pathology (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Physical Chemistry (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Physiology (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Phytopathology (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Plant Biology (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Political Science (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Psychology (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Public Health (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Resource Economics (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Sociology (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Virology (Annual Reviews)

Annual Review of Vision Science (Annual Reviews)

Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (American Society for Microbiology).  UF corresponding authors can publish in this journal without article processing charges (APCs).  Authors may be charged supplemental fees or page charges at the discretion of the publisher.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology (American Society for Microbiology).  UF corresponding authors can publish in this journal without article processing charges (APCs).  Authors may be charged supplemental fees or page charges at the discretion of the publisher.

Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici (EMS Press)

Demography (Duke University Press)

Developmental Neuroscience (Karger)

Geometry & Topology (Mathematical Sciences Publishers)

Infection and Immunity (American Society for Microbiology).  UF corresponding authors can publish in this journal without article processing charges (APCs).  Authors may be charged supplemental fees or page charges at the discretion of the publisher.

International Development Planning Review (Liverpool University Press)

Journal of Applied Physics (American Institute of Physics)

Journal of Bacteriology (American Society for Microbiology).  UF corresponding authors can publish in this journal without article processing charges (APCs).  Authors may be charged supplemental fees or page charges at the discretion of the publisher.

Journal of Clinical Microbiology (American Society for Microbiology).  UF corresponding authors can publish in this journal without article processing charges (APCs).  Authors may be charged supplemental fees or page charges at the discretion of the publisher.

Journal of Virology (American Society for Microbiology). UF corresponding authors can publish in this journal without article processing charges (APCs).  Authors may be charged supplemental fees or page charges at the discretion of the publisher.

L'Enseignement Mathematique (EMS Press)

Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (Sage)

Nietzsche-Studien (De Gruyter)

Pacific Journal of Mathematics (Mathematical Sciences Publishers)

Pediatric Neurosurgery (Karger)

Physics of Plasmas (American Institute of Physics)

Portugaliae Mathematica (EMS Press)

Rendiconti Lincei (EMS Press)

Revista Matematica Iberoamericana (EMS Press)

Water Science & Technology (International Water Association)

Zeitschrift fur Analysis und ihre Anwendungen (EMS Press)




Open Access Funding Models

A variety of business and sustainability models are emerging to support open access publishing long-term. The Libraries directly support organizations, publications, and initiatives in the following ways:

Read & Publish:  A Read & Publish agreement is an agreement in which the Libraries bundle payments for reading (library users are able to access and read published content) and publishing (authors are able to publish open access with no out-of-pocket costs) into a single contract. These are referred to as "transformative" agreements in that they seek to shift library funding away from traditional subscription-based reading and toward open access publishing.  Examples include the Libraries' current agreements with Cambridge University Press and the Royal Society.

Memberships: Several content providers offer open access memberships.  The Libraries pay annual membership fees which help not only to cover publication costs associated with making content open access, but often provide discounts for UF authors who wish to publish open access.  Examples include the Libraries' current memberships with BioMed Central, Luminos, and Open Book Publishers.

Subscribe to Open: In this model, the Libraries receive a discount from publishers for annual subscription fees.  If enough libraries continue to subscribe, the publisher will make the content open access and available to non-subscribers.  An example is the Libraries' current agreement with Annual Reviews and American Institute of Physics (AIP).

Collective Funding: This model relies on collective financial support from academic institutions and organizations in order to make a collection of content open access.  Through this initiative, the libraries not only support open access publishing, but open access to scholarship for individuals around the globe.  Examples include the Libraries' support for Knowledge Unlatched.  

Library Publishing:  Library publishing is considered the set of activities led by academic and research libraries and library consortia to support the creation, dissemination, and curation of scholarly, creative, and/or educational works (definition provided by the Library Publishing Coalition). Library publishing at UF is supported by the LibraryPress@UF, which publishes born-digital scholarship, journals, conference proceedings, and community- or partner-driven scholarship and public humanities output. The LibraryPress@UF also supports UF-based open-access journals on Florida Online Journals. For more information, check out the LibraryPress@UF website or the Libraries’ Digital Partnerships & Strategies departmental website.

Department/Program Funds

UF Departments, Units, Institutes, and Programs are starting to create their own internal funds to help pay for APCs. If you would like yours listed here, please email the Open Access Committee at


Contact the Open Access Committee at

UF Community: If you have any questions about publishing open access, APC discounts and waivers, or other open access topics

Publishers: If you have an OA initiative you would like the UF Libraries to consider

About the Open Access Committee

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