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Pirates and Power: Digital Resources

Special Collections materials for QUEST 1: Pirates and Power

Digitized Primary Source Matierials in the History of Piracy

The resources on this page are all tied to materials that you saw during your visit, and are intended to give you a chance to explore a slightly larger set of sources, as well as to refer back to more of the books that were photographed during the class.

Rare Books on Piracy

Bucaniers of America (ProQuest)

A digitized copy (in black and white from microfilm) of Alexander Esquemelin's Bucaniers of America (1684) from ProQuest's Early English Books Online Database. You must be logged in to a campus network or using our VPN to access this resource off campus.

Digitized images from the first published edition (in Dutch, with translations) are available on the Library of Congress digital exhibit.


Ballads and Broadsides:

The English Broadside Ballad Archive is a database of digitized songsheets, mostly from the 17th and the 18th centuries. You can search its entries for words like "pirate" "buccaneer"

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