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Soil, Water and Ecosystem Sciences


The UF Libraries do not have access to everything. Never pay for a resource- the Libraries have ways to obtain articles and books at no cost to the researcher through UBorrow and InterlLbrary Loan.

  • If you are working off campus, double check that you are on the UF VPN. If you are on the VPN and there is no access, the University probably doesn't have it.
  • Can ask your librarian for assistance
  • Can request item through UBorrow or InterLibrary Loan
  • Physical item or a pdf will be sent to researcher

Requesting through ILL: Log in with your Gatorlink ID and enter as much information as possible about the requested resource. This will help speed up the process of receiving the resource and make sure you receive the correct book/article and edition.

Requesting through UBorrow: Best for borrowing books from another Florida institution. On Primo (the library catalog), there is an option to search the "statewide catalog." Click the UBorrow button to submit a request.

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