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Animal Sciences

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UF Animal Care & Use Program

Includes Animal Care Services, EH&S/IBC, and IACUC at UF. The University of Florida Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) oversees the University’s animal care and use program and is responsible for reviewing all animal care applications using vertebrate animals, ensuring compliance with federal animal welfare regulations, inspecting animal facilities and investigator laboratories, investigating animal concerns, and overseeing training and educational programs. 

Getting Started with Your Animal Research (UF login required)

As a first step, research administrators should direct Principal Investigators new to UF or new to animal research to contact the IACUC Office. This alerts the IACUC Administrators to the new PI and initiates the relationship between the PI and the IACUC. This page follows Starting a Protocol, Protocol Review Process, Required Trainings, Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines, Post Approval Activities, and Other Helpful Resrouces.

IACUC Central

IACUC Central is a comprehensive repository for all things IACUC. IACUC Central is a valuable resource for institutional animal care and use committee members and staff. Updated quarterly, IACUC Central organizes information into pages containing links to governmental agencies, databases, examples of institutional websites, training resources, and more.

Featured eBook Resources on IACUC

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