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Photo of a jellyfish underwater with purplish-blue lighting and a dark background

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Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria

Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria (BMSAB) is a reference work of the most complete and authoritative description of bacterial and archaeal diversity. Now available online for the first time, this edition provides descriptions of the taxonomy, systematics, ecology, physiology and other biological properties of all described prokaryotic taxa.

This is a new, unique, single point of online reference for microbiology with over 1,750 articles – equivalent to over 8 volumes in print.

Bergey's is a reference work aimed at undergraduates, graduate students, researchers, professors and experienced professionals at all levels. About a hundred new genera and 600+ new species have been described per year for each of the last 5 years. To remain abreast of this explosion in knowledge of the microbial world, an electronic manual with frequent updates is necessary. The BMSAB is an essential tool for anyone at the forefront of research in microbiology.

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