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Introduction to Ecosystem Restoration

What is a Citation?

What is a Citation? 

Citations are used to acknowledge the sources of information you are using. They give credit where credit is due. In addition to avoiding plagiarism and demonstrating how your writing builds upon previous work, citations help you meaningfully engage in academic discourse. They also help enhance the credibility of your writing.

Source: A (Very) Brief Introduction. This video provides a short introduction to how and when to use citations. Created by NCSU Libraries under a Creative Commons 3.0 BY-NC-SA US license via YouTube.


check icon Describe books, journal articles, websites, or other published items 

check icon Give credit to the originator of an idea, thus preventing plagiarism 

check icon Enable the reader to retrieve the item you refer to 

check icon Include the author, title, date, source, and DOI if available 

Why should you cite your sources?

check icon To avoid plagiarism and its serious professional repercussions (example 1; example 2)

check icon Be an ethical writer

check icon Give credit to your sources

check icon Make your sources easier for others to find

Scholarly Articles Are Not Created in a Vacuum


Anatomy of a citation

Citation Management

Citation Management

Citation management software allows you to collect, organize, share, and format citations. Most of these tools offer the ability to add citations to Microsoft Word documents. The Libraries support several options as shown below.


Additional Details


Using EndNote Cite While You Write

This 4 min will walk you through how to insert citations from your EndNote Online into a Microsoft Word document.


Zoterobib Video Demo


Citation Management Workshops

The Libraries offer hands-on workshops in person and online to get you started with a citation management software. Click here to see the schedule and register.

Other Useful Citation Tools 

 APA Style Website  

 Scientific Style & Format: the CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and publishers   

 Purdue OWL (Purdue’s Online Writing Lab)

 Just need to create a quick citation or bibliography? Try ZoteroBib.

 In addition to ZoteroBib, there are many citation generators online (e.g., Citation Machine) that will format individual references. Many literature discovery tools offer citation generators too!  

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