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Born Digital Archival Content (BDAC) Working Group : CHARGE for BDAC 1.0

The BDAC working group is charged with developing a robust and sophisticated digital archives program to ensure long term access to and preservation of born digital archival content created in Special and Area Studies Collections.

Working Group

The BDAC 1.0 working group was charged in the Fall of 2013 and first met on November 1st. It was co-chaired by Peggy McBride and John Nemmers.

Working Group Members

  • John Nemmers - Co-Chair
  • Peggy McBride - Co-Chair
  • Nina Stoyan - Rosenzweig
  • Betsy Simpson
  • Winston Harris
  • Christy Shorey
  • Cathy Martyniak

Charge for the BDAC 1.0 Working Group

Purpose of the BDAC 1.0 Working Group

Born digital archival materials generally are under collected, under counted, under managed, unpreserved, and inaccessible.   The Department of Special and Area Studies Collections (SASC) of Smathers Libraries and the University of Florida need to develop a robust and sophisticated digital archives program to ensure the long term access to and preservation of its born digital archival materials.  For the purposes of this working group, born digital archival materials are defined as primary sources originally created in digital format and selected for preservation because of their enduring historical, fiscal, and/or legal value. This definition does not include licensed digital content or digital reproductions produced by digitizing analog originals.  However, digital reproductions produced by a creator prior to their acquisition may be considered born digital materials.

The basis for the born digital archives program will be policies, guidelines and procedures developed in agreement with international standards and best practices. This program will require resources in staff time and expertise, technologies, administrative support, and funding. A working group on Born Digital Archival Content (BDAC) therefore is being charged to discuss the issues involved in designing a program that will collect, preserve, and make accessible born digital archival materials, focusing on content appraisal, selection and preservation within the Special and Area Studies Collections Department of Smathers Libraries.

BDAC Working Group Charge

1.      Conduct literature review of current thinking, best practices, and shared taxonomies regarding BDAC.

2.      Explore how peer institutions are addressing BDAC including governance, organizational placement, accountability and sustainability options.

3.      Investigate technological solutions, focusing on accessioning tools, trustworthy archival preservation repositories and BDAC management systems.

4.      Establish scope of BDAC at the University of Florida (i.e., born digital materials found in manuscript collections and electronic public records preserved by the University Archives), and develop survey methodology for determining extent.

5.      Appraise current resources and future needs (staff, funds, technology, etc.) to manage BDAC and estimate costs.

6.      Draft potential local BDAC guidelines and procedures based on best practices.

Proposed BDAC Working Group membership

1.      Special Collections - Peggy McBride – Co-Chair

2.      Special Collections - John Nemmers  – Co-Chair

3.      Cataloging and Metadata – Betsy Simpson

4.      Digital Services – Christy Shorey

5.      Information Technology – Winston Harris

6.      Health – Nina Stoyan-Rosensweig

7.      Special Collections – Cathy Martyniak


The Working Group will meet at least once a month. An interim report summarizing work to date will be submitted at 6 months, and a final report making recommendations will be due within one year of commencement of task force activities.

Working Group Duration

At the end of one year, the Senior Associate Dean will review all recommendations and activities and determine whether the Working Group should continue or be replaced by another group responsible for overseeing implementation of the born digital archives program.


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