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AEB 3133 Principles of Agribusiness Management: Books & E-Books

Guide for distance education students enrolled in AEB 3133. This website will help you find resources related to your assignments

Whats in the Library Catalog?

Search the library print & electronic materials including:

  • Books & E-books
  • Journals & E-journals
  • Thesis & Dissertations
  • Annual Reports
  • Conference Proceedings
  • Technical Reports
  • Newspapers
  • Reference Books (Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Standards)

The library catalog DOES NOT include:

  • Journal articles
  • Newspaper articles
  • Patents & Trademarks
  • Textbooks that are not on Reserve for a class





Looking for e-books? Try the following e-book services:

  • Books24x7
    Computer Science, chemistry, physics & engineering reference books, research reports, documentation and articles.
  • Gale Virtual Reference Library
    Provided by UF Libraries (restricted to current UF students, staff, and faculty). Electronic reference eBooks in virtually any subject area including health, science, art, history, biography and many more.
  • Knovel
    Applied sciences and engineering reference books.
  • EBSCO ebook Collection
    Books on all topics.
  • PubMed Bookshelf
    Biomedical books & journals.
  • Referex Engineering
    Materials Science & Mechanical Engineering Books
  • Springer
    Ebooks by title and series. Also more than 17,000 protocols.
  • CAB eBooks                                                                                         Covers topics on Agriculture, Animal and Veterinary Science, Environmental Science, Plant Sciences, Food and Nutrition, and Leisure and Tourism

Just remember to use the off campus access link before getting started.

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Finding books

Library Catalog (Books, E-books, Journals, Videos, & More)

Most of the print food science books are in the Marston Science Library, but books on topics such as economics and business are more likely on the shelves of Library West.

Secrets of the Catalog

Use the UF Libraries catalog to make your life easier! When you search for a book (or other item) in the catalog, you will see a record describing the item. Along the top of the record, you will see a series of little icons.

Click on the txt icon to text the call number of an item to your cell phone!

text call number

Click on the green cite this pencil to see how the item is cited in APA, Chicago, Harvard, MLA, and Turabian styles.

cite this

Click on the export globe to export the citation info to RefWorks or EndNote Web.

export icon

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