ArchivesSpace is a replacement for our old Archival Content Management System, Archivist's Toolkit. An Archival Content Management System is software that provides integrated support for archival workflows including appraisal, accessioning, description, arrangement, publication of finding aids, collection management, and preservation.
ArchivesSpace is a web-based application and can be accessed from any computer in the department, as well as from laptops and other devices on a wireless connection.
To login, go to
You will login using your gatorlink username and password. Contact the Processing Archivist (Matt Kruse) if you do not have an account
The first time you log on, you should see a screen with the ArchivesSpace logo, “Welcome to ArchivesSpace” and you may see the message that you do not have access to any repositories. Please let the Processing Archivist (Matt Kruse) know when you have logged in if you don’t have access to the repository so you can be added to the appropriate access group.
Reports can be generated in ArchivesSpace to compile a wide variety of useful data.
To generate a report, select the drop down arrow in the upper right corner of your screen to the right of the "SASC" repository box and below the box containing your username. Then select "Reports" from the drop down menu.
You will be presented with a variety of reports to choose from including reports on accessions, digital objects, locations, names, subjects, and resources. Select "Show Description" for more information on each report.
To generate a report click the "Select" button. Before pressing the blue "Queue Job" button to compile the report, select the format you desire from the dropdown menu under "Show Description." CSV will generate an excel file that is often the most useful way to display report data.
After the job has been queued it will generate the report. After the process is completed, select "Refresh Page" and download the report.
NOTE: "Reports" are still a work in progress and may take some tweaking to generate the information you desire. It may be easier to just consult the Processing Archivist (Matt Kruse) when generating reports. The Processing Archivist will also have access to additional reporting options not listed here.
ArchivesSpace contains ten different modules: Accessions, Resources, Digital Objects, Subjects, Agents, Locations, Events, Collection Management, Classifications, and Assessments. You can browse the modules by selecting browse and their respective module and then searching in the “filter by text” field.
Each new accession record will have an associated resource record (finding aid) linked to it. When an accession is processed you will be able to input new finding aid data into the linked PLACEHOLDER record (if none exists contact the Processing Archivist (Matt Kruse). If the record is an addition to a collection that already has a finding aid, you will need to edit the existing resource record.
IMPORTANT: Remember to notify the Processing Archivist (Matt Kruse) anytime you make edits to a resource record or the edits will NOT be reflected in the public finding aid or catalog record.
A useful feature in ArchivesSpace is the ability to create a PDF version of a resource record (finding aid).
You can also generate a PDF by selecting "Print Resource to PDF" from the "Export" drop down menu while viewing a resource record.
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