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Publishing with Florida OJ: DOI

An introduction and resources to publishing with Florida Online Journals for UF scholars. Florida OJ is an open source digitial publishing platform produced by the Public Knowledge Project. UF scholars have access and technical support via FALSC.

What is a DOI?

A DOI or Digital Object Identifier is an actionable, interoperable, persistent identifier registered with the International DOI Foundation for the purpose of naming items on digital networks.  Over 175 milltion DOIs to date have been assigned by DOI Registration Agencies, such as CrossRef, since the system launched in 2000.  A digital identifier of an object (DOI) is a permanent, unique string of characters that identifies specific content such as an article, dataset, image, license, etc..  A DOI is widely recognized as a reliable identifier system for metadata records.

The DOI contains a prefix beginning with 10. followed by a unique number assigned to the Registration Agency, a slash and then a suffix which is assigned by the organization.

Ideally, when a DOI is assigned (by a publisher, repository host, etc.), there is metadata and a URL which is associated with the DOI which makes the DOI 'resolvable' (point to the digital object or to a web resource that gives you more information about the digital object). 

All DOI numbers begin with a 10 and contain a prefix and a suffix separated by a slash. The prefix is a unique number assigned to organizations; the suffix is assigned by the the organization.

Complete information is available in the DOI Handbook published by the International DOI Foundation.

Why not use URLs instead of DOI?

According to the International DOI Foundation, "only 13% of the web addresses registered in 1998 were still around in 2002 (19% of the sites created in 1999 survived to 2002, as did 33% of the 2000 ones and 51% of those from 2001). The folly of relying on URLs alone for persistence is dramatically brought home by this statistic."

Source: IDF Factsheet: DOI system and Persistent URLs (PURLs)

How to search with DOI

If you have the DOI, you can locate the object it refers to.  Many DOIs are presented as resolvable links.

If the DOI is not linked to the record, you can resolve a DOI by adding this prefix,  Note that revised guidelines no longer use "" in DOIs.  Proper citation format for DOI is to report the DOI as it was assigned, either in the older format, e.g. 10.1109/5.771073, or in the new format,

You can also look up DOIs at Search CrossRef or at Resolve DOI by the  International DOI Foundation.

CrossRef DOI Guidelines

In 2017, the standard format of DOIs were revised.  View CrossRef's new  DOI Display Guidelines by clicking on the image.


New CrossRef DOI Display Guidelines

How Can I Get a DOI?

Journals on Florida OJ

In 2018, the UF George A. Smathers Libraries expanded its publishing program to offer DOI assignment for journal articles and issues in Florida OJ. We are expanding this service to journals as capacity allows. If you have questions about DOIs and your journal, contact Kat Nguyen, LibraryPress@UF Publications Editorial Coordinator.

Other Publications

The Smathers Libraries cannot register DOIs for other publications (including books, theses and dissertations, datasets, and journals not published with the LibraryPress@UF) at this time. If DOIs are necessary for your publication, we recommend Zenodo. Zenodo is a general repository that supplies DOIs to all publicly available uploads.

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