One challenge in data management and sharing is that "data management" means different things to different people. This problem gets even worse when we abbreviate data terminology to acronyms. It's important to use select the right type of data management plan for the right job.
For individual or group consultation/training on how to prepare your Data Management Plan, please contact your liaison librarian/subject specialist.
The University of Florida is a partner institution of the DMPTool. It allows you to create ready-to-use data management plans for specific funding agencies. Use your gatorlink and password to login and use this tool.
Templates can be a good place to start in writing your data management plan, as long as you customize them for your project.
In 2022, the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy (OSTP) updated its 2013 Memorandum with the Public Access Policy Guidance, expanding guidance and reducing limitations to public data in response to COVID-19. The updated guidance gives federal agencies the opportunity to update their public data access plans by December 31st, 2024.
In 2013, the OSTP issued an Executive Directive entitled Increasing Access to the Results of Federally Funded Scientific Research ("2013 Memorandum") requiring the results of taxpayer-funded research – both articles and data – be made freely available to the general public with the goal of accelerating scientific discovery and fueling innovation.
Trainings are free and open to UF all faculty, students and staff. Learn practical strategies for best managing your research data. This workshop includes questions to consider when creating a data management plan, with a focus on the DMPTool and tools for sharing your data at the University of Florida. Topics include metadata and annotation, file formats and organization, storage, backups and security, and data sharing. Contact me or your liaison librarian/subject specialist for small group or departmental presentations.
LabArchives helps manage the results of research efforts, record research processes and procedures, and manage digital research data to increase reproducibility, efficiency, collaboration, searchability, and security. The university has an enterprise license for faculty, researchers, staff, and students in research activities. See: Electronic Lab Notebook @ UF via
LabArchives support and training
A data management plan should describe what is going on with your data, who is responsible for it, and where it is located throughout its life cycle.
Data management plans (DMPs) ensure that you have defined how you will collect and label, protect, store, and share your data.
Having a DMP in place at the beginning of your research process means you won't have to worry about it as much later! DMP's are good research practice, but you might also want to have one because your funder requires you to.
Basic components of a DMP:
Guides to writing a DMP:
In a supplemental document of two pages or less, address the following six sections:
Data Type: Briefly describe the scientific data to be managed, preserved, and shared, including:
Data Preservation, Access, and Associated Timelines: Plans and timelines for data preservation and access, including (a) specific repository or repositories where data will be shared (see tab on the left on repositories); what persistent identifier or other indexing tool will be provided to find and access the data; and when data will become available and for how long it will stay available.
Funders' Data-related Policies:
Other guides and checklists: