Getting Started
If you have never written a paper for a college English class before, I suggest that you click on the "Advice for Researching and Writing Papers" tab first. It contains a document that helps you discern both the nature of the paper and the way in which you should use the libraries' resources. Then return to this tab for help with getting started with the libraries' primary and secondary sources.
Useful Databases
The premier bibliography for students and scholars of literature. Indexes all major university press publications and scholarly journals. Hosted by EBSCO so you can expand your search to other EBSCO databases.
Contains indexing & abstracts for more than 8,200 journals, with full text for more than 4,500 of the titles. PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are also available for over one hundred journals.
This gateway to African American studies features scholarly essays, journal and newspaper articles video, and more. Because of the comprehensive scope, the Black Studies Center is a good place to begin your research.
HathiTrust is a partnership of academic & research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world.
Includes archived journals that span many disciplines. It offers retrieval of high-resolution, scanned images of journal issues & pages as they were originally designed, printed, & illustrated.
The definitive index to the world's literature regarding Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender issues. This database contains indexing and abstracts for more than 150 LGBT-specific core periodicals and 300 LGBT-specific core books and reference works.
A database that includes over 2 million master's theses & dissertations. Provides coverage of multiple fields of study.
Hosted by Web of Science, this looks unrelated to literary studies, but the "Cited Reference Search" tab allows you to track down which scholars are citing your work or the work of authors or theorists you may be studying.
A comprehensive compilation of case law, articles, publications, news, and court documents. Useful in literary studies for knowing the first time a term appears in print or how often it is used in news reporting.
A fully searchable library of more than 350,000 works of English and American poetry, drama and prose, 208 full-text literature journals, and other key criticism and reference resources.
"Early Modern Books covers material from the British Isles and Europe for the period 1450-1700. An integrated search across both Early English Books Online and Early European Books allows scholars to view materials from over 225 source libraries worldwide."
Subject Area Encyclopedias
Africana: Encyclopedia of the African/African American Experience
A guide to the history and the current state of Africa and African American heritage includes entries on topics ranging from affirmative action to zydeco.
The Encyclopaedia Judaica is a 26-volume English-language encyclopedia of the Jewish people and of Judaism. It covers diverse areas of the Jewish world and civilization, including Jewish history of all eras, culture, holidays, language, scripture, and religious teachings.
Encyclopedia of African Literature
The most comprehensive reference work on African literature to date, this book covers all the key historical and cultural issues in the field. The Encyclopedia contains over 600 entries covering criticism and theory, African literature's development as a field of scholarship, and studies of established and lesser-known writers and their texts.
Encyclopedia of Feminist Literature
This A-to-Z guide to feminist literature covers everything from the movement's origins in the literature of the distant past, such as the poetry of Sappho and classic tales such as Cinderella and Bluebeard, to the movement's flowering with the works of writers such as George Eliot, Willa Cather, and Virginia Woolf, to the continued development of feminist literature today.
Encyclopedia of Latin American and Caribbean Literature
Draws together entries on all aspects of literature in these regions, including authors, critics, major works, magazines, genres, and movements, from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day. With more than 1200 alphabetically arranged entries, written by a team of 190 international contributors, the Encyclopedia gives exceptionally wide-ranging coverage of writing in all of the Spanish American countries and Brazil, as well as the Dutch, French and English Caribbean.
Encyclopedia of Medieval Literature
A comprehensive guide to literature written between 500 and 1500. While the volume is primarily devoted to the early literature of England, it also includes entries for historical persons and subjects of cultural relevance which would have been discussed in literary works or which might have affected their creation. Multicultural in scope, the book also covers Islamic, Hispanic, Celtic, Mongolian, Germanic, Italian, and Russian literature and culture of the Middle Ages.
Encyclopedia of Southern Literature
Surveys the region's major authors, works, movements, genres, and themes as a method of illustrating its contributions to American and world literature. The alphabetically arranged entries contain biographical and literary history along with bibliographic citations, critical commentary, and cross-references.
Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th Century
The third edition consists primarily of bio-critical entries about individual authors, but it also includes survey articles about national works of literature and literary movements. All essays conclude with secondary sources, and author essays have a "Further Works" section, which lists works by the author not discussed in the text.
Writing and Documentation
A resource from Purdue University that teaches basic college writing techniques and the use of several style guides, including the MLA Handbook, APA, and Chicago. It provides examples for formatting and citations and a wealth of resources for writing.
UF Links
Remote Login
Provides instructions on how to access UF Libraries' proxy server and the Virtual Private Network (VPN).
UF Library Catalog
Find books, articles, and other resources held by the University of Florida.
UF Digital Collection (UF DC)
Access the University of Florida's collection of digitized resources, including dissertations and theses, digitized newspapers and historical photographs, and historical documents.
The University of Florida Libraries established and supports the IR@UF in order to offer a central location for the collection, preservation, and dissemination of scholarly, research, and creative production alongside historical materials from the University of Florida.
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