Provides Full-Text Academic Journals Covering the Major Areas of Academic Research.
At present, ARTFL's main corpus, ARTFL-FRANTEXT, consists of nearly 3,000 texts, ranging from classic works of French literature to various kinds of non-fiction prose and technical writing.
This database is the world’s most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world, spanning from 1743 to the present day and offering full text for graduate works added since 1997, along with selected full text for works written prior to 1997.
This database gives access to the dissertations and theses produced by students at UF.
This resource brings together manuscript, printed and visual primary source materials for the study of 'Empire' and its theories, practices and consequences. The materials span across the last five centuries and are accompanied by a host of secondary learning resources including scholarly essays, maps and an interactive chronology.
Europeana is a search platform to a collection of European digital libraries with digitized paintings, books, sounds, music, films, archives, and much more.
Full text for more than 1,500 journals. Indexing and abstracts for more than 3,000 journals. This database offers worldwide content pertaining to literary, scholarly and creative thought.
JSTOR provides full-text searches of digitized back issues of several hundred well-known journals.
It abstracts and indexes the international literature in linguistics and related disciplines in the language sciences.
This resource provides comprehensive documentation of indigenous and immigrant linguistic minorities in Europe. Currently, LME contains articles on Basque, Breton, Croatian, Frisian, Hungarian, the Sámi languages, and Turkish as minority languages (content about further languages is in preparation). New articles will be added annually (in two yearly updates).
It provides comprehensive coverage of literary criticism for literature worldwide.
Journals in the OpenEdition Freemium for Journals are the product of over 30 publishers, universities, university presses, learned societies, research centers, and organizations.The journals cover all humanities and social sciences fields and are published in French, English, Spanish, Italian, German, and Portuguese.
PERSÉE is a portal that grants online access to entire back runs of French journals in the social and human sciences. It consists of full-text research journals published in France. Articles are in French, search language is French.
It offers full-text versions of scholarly journals (humanities and social science) with over 120 publishers currently participating.
It searches for books or articles all over the world. If UF does not own it, you can request it through ILLIAD.
Le projet Archives éditoriales est un partenariat pour la préservation, l’analyse et la valorisation des archives d’éditeurs de la francophonie canadienne et européenne, de 1945 à 2015.
Les Archives Nationales collectent, conservent et communiquent les archives produites par le gouvernement et les administrations centrales, ainsi que les minutes des notaires de Paris et des fonds privés.
Ce catalogue collectif regroupe une partie des références bibliographiques des 23 bibliothèques de musées nationaux et de la bibliothèque centrale.
Gallica, the digital library for online users, was established in 1997. As of August 2009, Gallica made available on the Web about: 120,000 scanned volumes, 65,000 full-text volumes, 1000 audio documents, and 110,000 images.
IDNeuf is a portal offering free access to a broad range of pedagogical materials from francophone universities:
The Institut national de l'audiovisuel (or INA, French for National Audiovisual Institute), is a repository of all French radio and television audiovisual archives.
Isidore est une plateforme web d'agrégation, de recherche et de diffusion qui offrre un accès unifié à plus d'un million de documents numériques provenant de laboratoires de recherche, de bibliothèques universitaires et de plateformes d'édition électronique.
OpenEdition est un portail de ressources électroniques en sciences humaines et sociales.
SorbonNum aims to be the unique entry point into the scientific heritage collections of Sorbonne University. It will eventually provide access to all documents from the former digital library of the university, mainly in science and medicine, including Jean-Martin Charcot's manuscripts, correspondence from Robert de Montessus de Ballore, collections of printed works in physics, chemistry, geology, mathematics; theses of the Faculty of Sciences of Paris, etc.. More than a thousand documents (books, archives, journals, theses...) are already available, copywright-free and reusable.
Le catalogue du Système Universitaire de Documentation comprend plus de 9 millions de notices bibliographiques qui décrivent tous les types de documents (livres, thèses, revues, ressources électroniques, documents audiovisuels, microformes, cartes, partitions, manuscrits et livres anciens...)