3DH is a 3-year pilot project funded by Hamburg’s Ministry for Science and Research. It focuses on the dynamic visualisation and exploration of Humanities data from a DH perspective. The 'third dimension' of the 3DH approach is not necessarily conceptualized from the point of the traditional, i.e. spacial z-axis of physical objects, but rather as an expression of the semantic and hermeneutic 'depth' which characterises humanistic phenomena. The major goal is to establish a methodological and theoretical orientation as well as to develop prototypes of visualisation tools as demonstrators.
The project aims at scrutinizing the content of six substantial German travel accounts dating from 1685 to 1723, the earliest hitherto known, in which profound and reasoned judgements and opinions on French art and architecture have been rendered.
Berliner sehen is a hypermedia documentary that engages students of German in the exploration of everyday life in the changing city of Berlin since the fall of the Wall.
Corpus Vitrearum Germany is part of an international research project on medieval glass paintings. The project registers and edits medieval glasspaintings within the whole of Germany therefore, the art monuments are being photographed, drawn and edited. Since 2013 the annotated photographs are not only published in a printed edition but also online.
The DFG-funded project Deutsches Textarchiv (DTA) started in 2007 and is located at the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BBAW) in Germany. The DTA digitizes a large cross-section of printed works in modern New High German Language, ranging from ca. 1600 to 1900. Images and electronic full-text are available online, the latter can be downloaded as HTML, XML or TCF. The DTA presents almost exclusively the first editions of the respective works.
Der Verband DHd - "Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum" - wurde 2013 gegründet und versteht sich als Forum und formelle Interessenvertretung für alle, die sich im deutschsprachigen Raum in Forschung und Lehre – unabhängig von der Fachdisziplin - im Arbeitsbereich der Digital Humanities engagieren. Zur Zeit sind 410 Forscherinnen und Forscher Mitglied im DHd (April 2020).
DHd ist als Regionalverband assoziiert mit der European Association of Digital Humanities (EADH) und damit zugleich im internationalen Dachverband Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) repräsentiert. Mitglieder von DHd sind zugleich Vollmitglieder von EADH: sie haben damit - ohne zusätzliche Gebühren - Anspruch auf alle entsprechenden Leistungen von EADH und ADHO.
Germania Sacra provides an Online-Portal with databases of clerics and monasteries, convents and collegiate churches of the Old Empire. The databases are linked to the project’s monographs. Digitised versions of these publications are freely available.
The online source edition highlights central aspects of local, regional, and general GermanâJewish history providing approximately 150 digitized key documents.
Private correspondences of early modern Saxon dukes and duchesses since John Frederick the Magnanimous (1503-1554) were digitized, transcribed in full text and annotated, their metadata were recorded in a database.
The Project Deutsche Inschriften (DI) aims at collecting and editing all Latin and German inscriptions of the Middle Ages and the early modern period up to the year 1650. The collection area covers Germany, Austria and South Tyrol. Every DI volume either contains the inscriptions of one or several urban or administrative districts or the inscriptions of a single town.
The long-term objective of Deutsche Inschriften Online (DIO) is the digitalization and online availability of the entire DI series.
The interview archive “Forced Labor 1939-1945” commemorates more than twenty million people forced to work for Nazi Germany. In this digital oral history platform, nearly 600 former forced laborers from 26 countries tell their life stories in detailed audio and video interviews.
The Center has three interrelated purposes:
1. to facilitate and promote the research programs of humanities* scholars at the University,
2. to provide an intellectual space and a physical location within the University and College for critical and collaborative discussions of the humanities that reach across and beyond individual disciplines, and
3. to provide a place for outreach to the community in which we live and teach.
Check out this guide if you want to learn more about the Digital Humanities are and the different projects and initiatives happening at UF.
The Scott Nygren Scholars Studio, located in Library West, is an emerging community center for digital humanities and digital scholarship at the University of Florida. Open to faculty and graduate students to support collaborative dh/ds research and practice, the Studio offers the technology necessary for users to make new intellectual contributions in their fields.
UF’s new nine-credit, interdisciplinary graduate certificate in DH provides students with a broad-based study of DH practices; an in-depth experience of DH within a specific discipline; and the opportunity, through its capstone studio course, to produce a portfolio tailored to the student’s own discipline and career goals.
The Florida Digital Humanities Consortium (FLDH) is a collective of institutions in the State of Florida that seeks to promote an understanding of the humanities in light of digital technologies and research.
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