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UF Libraries Guide for New Graduate Students: Get Started

An introduction to Libraries resources and services for UF graduate students.

Library Links

Libraries Home Page:
Subject Librarian List: 
Project Starter Databases:
Off-campus Access (VPN):  

Borrowing Library Materials: Your Gator 1 ID is your library card! 

As an enrolled graduate student, you are eligible for the following library privileges:

  • Ability to check out up to 250 books at one time.
  • An 8 week renewable borrowing period for most books.
  • Remote access to online resources (ex. databases, full text journal articles, electronic books, streaming videos, etc.) through the virtual private network (VPN).

Library Locations

UF has seven library branches on campus! Each branch specializes in one or more subject areas. Click here for more information about branches and collections: Libraries Collections information page 

map of library branches

Visiting the Libraries

Library West and Marston Science Library have special study spaces for enrolled UF graduate students. The 6th Floor or Library West is reserved for grad students for quiet individual and group study. Ask for access at the Circulation Desk. This floor also has a multimedia production and scanning station with Adobe Creative Suite 5--Design Premium software.

A limited number of graduate dissertation carrels are available on the 4th Floor of Library West. They are assigned each academic year by a lottery of eligible applicants. Ask at the Circulation Desk for an application. The 5th Floor of Marston Science Library offers lockable study carrels for sci-tech graduate students. Ask at the Circulation Desk for an application.

As an enrolled graduate student, you are eligible for the following library privileges:

  • Ability to check out up to 250 books at one time.
  • An 8 week renewable borrowing period for most books.
  • Use of interlibrary loan (ILL) and UBorrow services.
  • Remote access to online resources (ex. databases, full text journal articles, electronic books, streaming video, etc.) through the virtual private network (VPN).


Services for Graduate Teaching Assistants

instruction librarian

   Library Instruction
   Do your students need help with:

  • Searching for books?
  • Finding & using journal article databases?
  • Identifying & citing academic sources?
  • Avoiding plagiarism?

   If so, refer them to a subject specialist for individual help.
   A librarian will be happy meet with your students through Zoom.

Course Reserves
Ares is the UF Libraries online course reserve system. You may reserve print and electronic items (such as textbooks and journal articles) for your students to read through this system. To receive Faculty privileges in Ares, you will need to contact the Course Reserves unit directly at 352-273-2520 to have permissions set.



Research Consultation

ARCS Academic Research Consulting & Services

Library professionals offer unique expertise to support your research activities. Areas of expertise include:

  • Copyright and Fair Use
  • Data Management
  • Digital Humanities
  • GIS and Spatial Analysis
  • Publishing and Archiving
  • Research Integrity
  • Research Metrics
  • Statistical and Data Analysis
  • Visualization

To learn more or to schedule an appointment, visit:

Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad)

we can get it for you! click here for full brochure

Interlibrary Loan FAQs
Need a book, journal article, or other item not in UF Libraries' collections? Make a request through ILLiad, the online book and document retrieval service, and we will ask another library to lend you the items you need.


uborrow logo

UBorrow FAQs.

UBorrow lets you request materials directly from participating university libraries within Florida. Just search the online catalog, follow the UBorrow links to the statewide catalog, find the item you want, and click the
uborrow button button. You can pick up your item at either Library West, the Health Science Center Library, or the Legal Information Center. Click here for more information on UBorrow.


Bibliographic Management Software

The University of Florida’s access to RefWorks, including the legacy and “new” platforms, ended on December 31st, 2020.

Several alternative citation management tools are available for UF users at no charge, such as EndNote Web or SciWheel, or available for free regardless of affiliation, such as Zotero and Mendeley. More information regarding how to export and migrate your citations can be found at:

Institutional Repository

preserve your legacy IR at UF

The Institutional Repository at the University of Florida is the digital archive for the intellectual output of the University of Florida community, and includes research, news, outreach, and educational materials.

The IR@UF encourages university units to contribute their open access research, reports and other materials to the IR@UF for archiving and dissemination free of commercial cost.

Want to learn more? Watch the video about the IR@UF! Learn how to preserve your legacy!


Why is it important to meet your Subject Librarian?

Brian Croxall of ProfHacker explains in "An Open Letter to New Graduate Students":

"In your first few weeks on campus, you might not want to add one more person to your list of people to meet. But getting to know your subject librarian can be invaluable. Your librarian will be the person who best knows the university’s entire collection of databases, journals, and books in your field; consequently she or he will be able to help you find the things you didn’t even know were there but are necessary for your scholarship. Plus, the subject librarian is the person who controls library acquisitions in your field. Get to know ‘em and they will likely buy the books you need. (My subject librarian easily bought me 30 books.)

Your subject librarian can also teach you how to most effectively use your library’s catalog. As easy as that might sound—how hard can a search box be?—we’re here to tell you that your catalog is idiosyncratic and you’ll be much faster if you get some quick tips. Finally, your subject librarian likely has an advanced degree in your field. Consider him or her another mentor, even if s/he is in a different building."

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