Prior to the use computer digitization, many archival materials were copied as microfilm and microfiche. These materials require a special machine for viewing. The microform materials at Library West, along with the viewer for reading and saving their contents, can be found on the third floor. The Latin American and Caribbean Collection also has microforms and microform readers.
Black Abolitionist Papers, 1830-1865
LIBRARY WEST, Microfilm (3rd Floor) Call no: E 449.B531
Correspondence, sermons, speeches, missionary reports, and writings of more than 300 19th century Black abolitionists. 17 reels with a Guide.
Bureau of Social Hygiene Project and Research Files, 1913-1940: a collection of the Rockefeller Archives Center of Rockefeller University
LIBRARY WEST, Microfilm (3rd Floor) Call no: HV 99.N6 B853 1980
A collection of studies undertaken by, as well as files relating to the administration of, one of the earliest privately funded social science research institutions in the U.S.; project information, general subject information, and the files of criminologist Leonard Harrison. 31 reels with Guide.
Civil Rights During the Johnson Administration, 1963-1969
LIBRARY WEST, Microfilm (3rd Floor) Call no: JC 599.U5 C51 1984
Part I - The White House Central Files
Part II - Equal Opportunity Employment Commission: Administrative History
Part III - Oral Histories
Part IV - Records of the White House Conference on Civil Rights, 1965-1966
Part V - Records of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders (Kerner Commission)
Documents focusing on the civil rights movement of the 1960s and detailing the activities of the federal government, the executive branch, and prominent individuals. The papers include subject, name, chronological, and confidential files from the central files of the White House, material from the administrative histories files of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library, and transcripts of oral histories, also from the Library. Files of the White House Conference on Civil Rights and records of the Kerner Commission document the riots that occurred in the United States in the 1960s. 41 reels with Guides.
Civil Rights for Indians: the first program of bills in Congress to establish civil rights for American Indians...
American Civil Liberties Union Committee on Indian Civil Rights
LIBRARY WEST, Microfiche (3rd Floor) Call no: E 178.P34 CL 62
Communist Infiltration of the SCLC, FBI Investigation File, 1957-1987
LIBRARY WEST, Microfilm (3rd floor) Call no: E 185.5.S68 C651 1983
Correspondence, memoranda, reports, printed material, and other items maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in relation to its investigation of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). This material was released under the provision of the Freedom of Information Act. J. Edgar Hoover's confidential file on Martin Luther King is also included. 9 reels.
FBI file on the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), [1964-1973]
LIBRARY WEST, Microforms (3rd Floor) Call no: E 185.61.U551 1991
FBI file on the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
LIBRARY WEST, Reference Microform Guide (3rd Floor) Call no: E 185.61.U551 1991 Guide
LIBRARY WEST, Microfilm (3rd Floor) Call no: HQ 1154.H431 1972
A collection of 821 newsletters, journals, and newspapers published by and about women's liberation, civic, professional, religious, and peace groups from the Women's History Research Center in Berkeley, California. Most material was published between 1968 and 1974 in the United States. 23 reels with a Guide.
History of women
LIBRARY WEST, Microfilm (3rd Floor) Call no: HQ 1121.H581
Collection of literature on and by women to 1920. The 1248 reels are organized by document genre:
Reels 1-934: Printed books
Reels 935-962: Pamphlets
Reel 963: Photographs
Reels 964-995: Manuscripts
Reels P1-P253: Periodicals
The History of women: an alphabetic index to the microfilm collection. 3 vols.
LIBRARY WEST, Reference Microform Guide (3rd Floor) Call no: HQ 1121.H581 Index
Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940
LIBRARY WEST, Microfilm (3rd Floor) Call no: E 98.C3 I5 1965
United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs. Washington: National Archives and Records Service, 1965. 692 reels.
Contains census rolls that were usually submitted each year by agents or superintendents in charge of Native American reservations, to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. More about the Indian Census Rolls.
Indian census rolls, 1885-1940 (Guide)
LIBRARY WEST, Reference Microform Guide (3rd Floor) Call no: E98.C3 I5 1973
Pamphlets in American History
LIBRARY WEST, Microfiche (3rd Floor) Call no: E 178.P34
A microfiche collection of almost 16,000 pamphlets. While all periods of U.S. history up to the 1970s are represented, most documents were issued between 1820 and 1970. The pamphlet is known as a “democratic medium:” almost anyone could publish one. These documents frequently reflect social protest, lobbying efforts, new political ideologies, and the cause celebre. Types of pamphlets include campaign literature, memoirs, personal narratives, published letters, travel accounts, eulogies, commemorative addresses, sermons, obituaries, biographies, autobiographies, published diaries, journals, speeches, legal decisions, trade union leaflets. Well-known documents are represented, as well as previously neglected sources, providing a balanced view of the diverse opinions and concerns of the American people.
Pamphlets in American istory: a bibliographic guide to the microform collection
LIBRARY WEST, Reference Microform Guide (3rd Floor) Call no: Z 1236.P27 1979
Indexes to the collection are by Author, Title, Chronology, and Subject. Individual titles can be searched in the Library Catalog by series title, followed by the Section Category, as in these examples:
Pamphlets in American History Cooperative societies
Pamphlets in American History Indians
Pamphlets in American History Labor
Papers of the NAACP
LIBRARY WEST, Microfilm (3rd floor) Call no: E 185.61 G861
Contains nearly 2 million pages of internal memos, legal briefings, and direct action summaries from national, legal, and branch offices throughout the country, charting the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s work. Presents primary documents concerning crucial issues: lynching, school desegregation, discrimination in the military, the criminal justice system, employment, and housing, among others. 67 reels. More on the NAACP papers.
A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of Papers of the NAACP
LIBRARY WEST, Reference Microform Guide (3rd Floor) Call no: E 185.61.G861 1982 Guide
Province in Rebellion, a documentary history of the founding of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1774-1775
LIBRARY WEST, Microfiche (3rd Floor) Call no: 974.402 P969
Public records chronicling the growing friction between the British government and colonial Massachusetts have been reprinted in this collection with annotations and footnotes. Both sides of the conflict are represented. More than 3,000 pages of Royal correspondence, acts, proclamations, etc., plus documents of the Provincial Congresses, town and court records, and the like. 31 microfiche.
Province in Rebellion
LIBRARY WEST, Reference Microform Guide (3rd Floor) Call no: 974.402 P969 Guide
The Guide provides a 145-page "interpretive essay" on events of the period, a chronological listing of individual items, and a subject/name index.
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee papers, 1959-1972
LIBRARY WEST, Microfilm (3rd Floor) Call No: E 185.61S916 1981
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee papers
LIBRARY WEST, Reference Microform Guide (3rd Floor) Call no: E 185.61.S916 1981
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